On the basis of the 6th CPC report, Govt servants have already been allowed the facility of Child Care Leave wihch is admissible till the children attain 18 yars of age.On similar lines provisions of OM dated 12/06/1997 have been amended vide DOPT Memo No.28034/9/2009-Estt.(A) dated 30/09/2009.In these guide lines it is clearly mentioned about the proceedure to be followed if the Government servants are belongs to
1.All India Services
2.One Spouse belongs to All India Services and the other spouse belongs to Central Services.
3.Spouses belongs to same Central Service
4.One Spouse belongs to one Central Service and the other spouse belongs to another entral Service.
5.One spouse belongs to All India Service and the other spouse belongs to Public sector Undertaking
6.One spouse belongs to a Central Service and the other spouse belongs to a PSU.
7.One spouse belongs to Central Service and the other empoloyed in State Govt.
8.The husband and Wife, if working in the same department and if the required level of post is available, should invariably be posted together in order to enable them to lead a normal family life and look after the welfare of their children especially till the children attain 18 years of age.This will nor apply on appointment under the Central Staffing Scheme. Where only wife is a Govt.Servant, the above concessions would be applicable to the Govt.Servant
Para (5) of the above order clearly says
"Complaints are sometimes received that even if posts are available in the station of posting of the spouse, the administrative authorities do not accommodate the employees citing administrative reasons. In all such cases, the cadre controlling authority should strive to post the employee at the station of the spouse and in case of inability to do so, specific reasons, therefor, may be communicated to the employee".
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