Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Friday, December 31, 2010

AIPEU Group-C, AP Circle wishes its Members,Staff and Its Affiliates a Happy New Year 2011

Dear Comrades,
May this holiday season and year ahead bring hope and justice to all workers and people of the world. Onward with the struggle.

Child Care Leave - Latest Clarification issued by the DOPT

Dear Comrades,
Latest Clarification issued by DOPT vide Memo No.13018/1/2010-Estt.(Leave) dated 30/12/2010.Clarification issued on the following Points.
1.Whether Earned Leave availed for any purpose can be converted in to Child Care Leave? How should applications where the purpose of availing leave has been indicated as 'Urgent Work' but the applicant claims to have utilized the leave for taking care of the needs of the child, be treated?
Child Care Leave is sanctioned to women employees having minor children, for rearing or for looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc. Hence Earned Leabe availed specifically for this purpose only should be converted.
2.Whether all Earned Leave availed irrespective ol'number of days i.e.less than 15 days, and number of spells can be converted? In cases where the CCL spills over to the next year :for exa~riple3 0 days CCL
from 27thDecember), whether the Leave should be treated as one spell or two spells'?


No. As the instructions contained in thc OM dared 7.9.2010 has been given retrospective effect, all the conditions specified in the OM would have to be fulfilled for conversion of the Earned Leave into Child Care Leave. In cases where the leave spills over to thc next year, it may be treated as one spell against the year in which the leave commences.
3.Whether those who have availcd Child Gal-e Lea\.< iol- more than 3 spells with less than 15 days can avail further Child C31.e Leave for the remaining period of the current year'?

No. As per the OM of even number dated 7.9.2010, Child Care Leave inay not be granted in more than 3 spells. Hence CCL may not be allowed Inore than 3 tinles irrespective of the number of daya or times Child Care Leavc has been availcd earlier. Past cases may not be reopened.
4.Whether LTC can be availed during Child Care Leave?

LTC cannot be availed during Child Care Lcave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.

Click here to get the order copy

A Compilation of POSB orders issued by the Directorate from the year 2007

Dear Comrades,
A compilation (202 Pages) of POSB orders issued by the Directorate from the year 2007 is placed here for the information of the members. This compilation consisting of orders from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2010 related to POSB.It is advised to take a Printout of the same and make it Book binding and use it as a Hand Book of POSB Rulings. In this Compilation almost all the latest rulings are covered in respect of POSB branch.It is most Usefull to the Members and Staff working in the Savings Bank Branch.

Special Concessions/Facilities to Central Govt.Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt.

Dear Comrades,
The union Government is offerred Special Concessions/Facilities to Central Govt.Employees working in KAshmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government vide Memo No.18016/3/2010-Estt.(L) dated 28/12/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members.

Click here to get the order

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to CGHS Beneficiary-Guide Lines to Pensioner beneficiaries

Dear Comrades,
Department of Health issued fresh guide lines to Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries vide Memo no.6024/2007/CGHS(HQ)/CGHS(P) dated 27/12/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members.

Replacement of Rule-87 of POSB Manual Vol-I and Rule 50 of POSB MAnual Vol-II-New Procedure for POSB Claims settlement to be followed from 01/01/2011

Proforma to be submitted at AIC Pune (Alandi) by the Delegates/Visitors

Dear Comrades,
Proforma form which is also to be presented alongwith credential form is placed herewith. Please fill up the form in complete shape and hand over at the time of presentation of credentials. This proforma is also a must at the time of admission of delegates & visitors.Please take a printout and keep it eady for ensuing AIC.

Reinvestment of MAturity value - Fresh Guide lines issued by the Directorate

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Revision of Norms for asessment of work load of BPMs-Directorate orders

Dear Comrades,
Directorate issued orders to revision of Norms for asessment of work load of BPMs vide Memo No.5-1/2007-WS-1(Pt.) dated 16/12/2010. The same is reproduced here for the information of the members.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Revision of Room Rent under CGHS-Fresh guide lines issued by Ministry of Health

Dear Comrades,
Department of Health and Family Welfare had issued fresh rates regarding room rent under CGHS vide memo No.S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part I) dated 16/11/2010. The following are the revised room rents.

General ward -Rs.1000/- per day

Semi-private ward -Rs. 2000/- per day

Private ward -Rs.3000/- per day
Click here to get the order copy

Click below link forList of empanelled Hospitals included afresh vide memo no. S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (PartIV) dated 12/11/2010.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Dear comrades,
DOPT issued new guidelines in respect of PAYMENT OF DISABILITY PENSION / FAMILY PENSION - RELAXATION OF QUALIFYING SERVICE vide memo No.33/5/2009-P&PW (F) dated 10/12/2010. The same is reproduced below.please click the below link to get the order copy.

click here to get the order copy

Friday, December 10, 2010

List of Identified Post Offices for Postmaster's Cadre-Circle office Issued Orders

Dear Comrades,
In continuation of Directorates Memo dated 25/11/2010 Circle office send proposals to the Regions to finalise the Identified Post offices for Postmaster's Cadre. After Finalising the Regional offices Circle office will send the same to the directorate for final approval.The Proposals are placed here for the information of members. It is requested the Branch/Divisional Secretaries and Circle Office Bearers to see that the Important Post Offices must be identified by the concerned regions.

To Download Adobe Reader Please click the below link

All the PDF documents require adobe reader to open the documents.Please download and install adobe reader(Acrobat Reader) by clicking the link.Please read instructions care fully before downloading the adobe reader.All the orders are in pdf format.
If you download and install adobe reader then only you can able to view/print all these orders placed in our site.Thank you comrades.

DOPT issued a wonderfull order regarding Govt. servants covered by New Pension Scheme

According to this order Govt. Servants who appointed on or after 01/01/2004 will cover New Pension Scheme can get Provisional Pension according to Old Pension Scheme where Govt.Servant Died/Retired on medical invalidation.For details Please click this link to down load the order



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