Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

CWC Invitation

Hearty Welcome  to all the CWC members
Advisery Board  members 

AIPEU Group-C ,  AP Circle Working Committee Meeting

Date : 06-03-2015  & 07-03-2015 

Venue :

Samuel George Pharmecy College,

Tarlupadu Road , Markapur

                                                                                                                                = Syed Subhani  
                                                                                                                 Reception Committee
                                                                                                                     Ph. 9440993933 , 9581647799

Additional Contact           :              N.Ramanareddy , Branch Secretary , NFPE P3
                                                           Ph. 9441075710 , 9494857510
                                                D.Mohanarao, Vice President, AP, P3
                                                Ph. 9440744328

Venue  :  3 km form Markapur Rly. Station

(Nearest referance : Head Post office:  Walkable Distance from Bus stand)

AP Circle Working Committee Notice

APU-III/CWC/2015                                                                               23-2-2015
Notice under Article 32 of the constitution of AIPEUGr’C’ is hereby given that the Circle Working Committee meeting of our Circle Union will be held from 6th March to 7th March 2015 George Pharmacy Collegy Tarlupadu Road Markapur 523316 Prakasam District..The circle working committee will be presided by Com.K. Narayan Rao President of the circle union. All CWC members are requested to attend the meeting well in time.
         The following agenda will be discussed.                                                           
   1) Organisational review.
      a)Member Ship position. b) Remittance of quotas to higher bodies.
      c)Local agitations. D) Review on BD targets.
   2) Formation ofMahila Sub Committees at Circle level.
   3)Postal unity.
   4)7th Central Pay Commission related matters.
   5)Study camps.
   6) Review of PJCA Dharna programmes  20th Feb,27th,Feb 2nd March 2015
   7) Challo Delhi programme on 28-4-2015
   8)  Preparations for PJCA indefinite strike from 6th May 2015.
   9) Any other item with the permission of the chair.                                                                                                                                      Yours faithfully
                                                                                        DASV  Prasad                                                                                                        Circle Secretary
                                                                                                                                Copy to:
1)Com K.Narayana Rao Circle President AIPEU Gr ’C’ at Vijayanagaram.
2)The General Secretary, AIPEU Gr ’C’ Chq at New Delhi-8,
3)Secretary General NFPE, New Delhi-1,
4)The Chief Post Master General, AP Circle Hyderabad -1 for information and requested her to advice all Regional PMsG to grant spl casual leave to all  Circle Working Committee Members  enable them to attend CWC.
5)General Secretary ,Reception Committee AIPEUGr’C’ Markapur  He is requested to inform the details of venue and accommodation to all Circle Working Committee Members, Circle Union Advisory Board Members.
                                                                               Yours faithfully,                                                                                     DASVPRASAD                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                  Circle Secretary

Monday, February 16, 2015

Allotment of Medical funds to the divisions-A Latest update from Circle union

All Circle Office Bearers and
All Branch/Divisional Secretaries

It is to intimate that Directorate had allotted sufficient funds to Circles for meeting the expenditure in connection with Medical Bills, TA Bills and OTA Bills. In turn Circle Office had allotted the funds to the divisions to pass all the pending bills and with a direction to intimate the requirement of funds if any in excess of funds allotted to their divisions. It is directed to all the Circle office bearers and Branch/Divisional Secretaries to pursue the matter with the Divisional Administration and get all the pending bills have to be passed and get project their requirement if any to CO and inform the requirement if any to CO for further processing at this end. 

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All the PDF documents require adobe reader to open the documents.Please download and install adobe reader(Acrobat Reader) by clicking the link.Please read instructions care fully before downloading the adobe reader.All the orders are in pdf format.
If you download and install adobe reader then only you can able to view/print all these orders placed in our site.Thank you comrades.

DOPT issued a wonderfull order regarding Govt. servants covered by New Pension Scheme

According to this order Govt. Servants who appointed on or after 01/01/2004 will cover New Pension Scheme can get Provisional Pension according to Old Pension Scheme where Govt.Servant Died/Retired on medical invalidation.For details Please click this link to down load the order



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