Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


           The Lok Sabha on Tuesday passed the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015. The Bill provides for enhancing monthly bonus calculation ceiling to Rs 7,000 per month from the existing Rs 3,500. It also seeks to enhance the eligibility limit for payment of bonus from Rs 10,000 per month to Rs 21,000 per month. The last amendment to the eligibility limit and the calculation ceiling was carried out in 2007 and made effective from April 1, 2006. This amendment in the Act to increase wage ceiling and bonus calculation ceiling was one of the assurances given by the Centre after central trade unions went on one-day strike on September 2. 

         It is also learnt that the there is a proposal with the government that the implementation will be effect from July 2014.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Bi-annual conference of All India Postal Employees Union Group’C’ and Postmen & MTS unions of Tanuku Branch were held at Tanuku H.O. on 20.12.2015.

The following officer bearers are elected unanimously.

Group ‘C’ Union:-
      President            : Com.K.Venkateswara Rao
                      Branch Secretary: Com.T.V.K.Somayajulu
                      Treasurer            : Com.S.Syam Surya Prakash 
Postman & MTS union:-
                      President            : Com.D.Krishna
                      Branch Secretary:Com.Ch.Ganesh Kumar
                      Treasurer            :Com.G.Narasimha Murthy    

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Issue of Pensioners ID card-DOPPW orders

Dear Comrades,
DOPPW has been issued detailed guidelines on issuing of Pensioners ID card to the Pensioners.

Click here to get the order copy

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Comments and Suggestions called for improvement of online RTI portal

Dear Comrades,
DOP &T vide om dated 14.12.2015 called for comments and suggestions for improvement of online RTI portal. for details click the below link.

Click here to get the orders


Hold demonstrations on 30.12.2015 in front of all offices and Submit copy of the Charter of Demands to Head of offices for onward transmission to Cabinet Secretary.

Conduct three days Dharna at all state capitals and Industrial Centres/Establishments on 19th, 20th & 21st January 2016.

NJCA will meet on 8th February 2016 to decide the date of commencement of indefinite strike.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Monday, December 14, 2015

Directorate orders on Cycle Maintenance Allowance

Vijayawada Division A.I.P.E.U.Group'C' Divisional Conference held on 13.12.2015

Divisional conference of A.I.P.E.U Group’C’ of Vijayawada division was held at Vijayawada H.O. on13.12.2015 under the president ship of Com.Y.David Jayapaul. Election to theOffice bearers was conducted by Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary. Sri.Md.Asif, Asst.Supdt.of Post Offices, Vijayawada Dn was attended as Official Observer. Com.Y.David Jayapaul, Com.P.Bhaskara Rao, Com.K.Ravali are Elected as President, Secretary and Treasurer.

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All the PDF documents require adobe reader to open the documents.Please download and install adobe reader(Acrobat Reader) by clicking the link.Please read instructions care fully before downloading the adobe reader.All the orders are in pdf format.
If you download and install adobe reader then only you can able to view/print all these orders placed in our site.Thank you comrades.

DOPT issued a wonderfull order regarding Govt. servants covered by New Pension Scheme

According to this order Govt. Servants who appointed on or after 01/01/2004 will cover New Pension Scheme can get Provisional Pension according to Old Pension Scheme where Govt.Servant Died/Retired on medical invalidation.For details Please click this link to down load the order



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