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Friday, June 25, 2010

Allotment of surplus qualified OC candidates of Inspectors of Posts Exam for the year 2008 held on 5,6&7 Nov 2008 to fill up the un filled OC vacancies of other Circles

Directorate issued orders for Allotment of Surplus qualified OC candidates of Inspectors of Posts Examination for the year 2008 held on 5th, 6th and 7th November 2008 to fill up the unfilled OC vacancies of other Circles vide Memo No.A-34013/01/2009-DE (Pt.I) dated 25/06/2010. Please click the below link and down load the order copy.

Click here for order copy

Compendium on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs in Govt.Services-Draft by DOPT

Dear Comrades,
The instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services under the Government of India are contained various OMs issued from time to time by the Ministry of Home Affairs and this Department. Some of the instructions so issued have become outdated and are not in operation at present. It has, however, been observed that some appointing authorities are continuing to implement such outdated and non-existent instructions. Keeping all these aspects in view DOPT has decided to issue consolidated instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in supersession of all the existing instructions on the subject. The proposal is not to change any aspect of policy on the subject but only to consolidate all the instructions and present them in easy to understand fodlanguage. A draft OM has been prepared which covers all the aspects of reservation policy as existing at present. However, before issuing the proposed OM, it has been decided to put it in public domain and invite comments on it. If any person feels that the proposed OM does not include any of the existing instruction or any instruction included in the proposed OM is not in consonance with the existing instructions, may point out the same and send his comments to Sri K.G.Verma, Director, DOPT, New Delhi by 12* July, 2010. For full text of the order copy and Draft OM Please click the below link and down load.


Consolidated Instructions on Regularization of Unauthorized Absence-Orders issued by DOPT

Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued Consolidated Instructions on Regularization of Unauthorized Absence vide Memo No.13026/3/2010-Estt.(Leave) dated 22/06/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members. For order copy please click the below link and down load.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Inclusion of Names of widowed or divorced or umarried daughter/ Parents/ dependent disabled siblings in the PPO-Clarification issued

Dear Comrades,
Department of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare issued the procedure to be followed to inclusion of names of the widowed or divorced or unmarried daughter/parents/dependent disabled siblings in the PPO vide memo No.1/6/08-P&PW(E) dated 22/06/2010.According to the order " With a view to streamlining and cut delays in the pension sanctioning process, it is hereby clarified that in cases wherein eligiblity of family members(i.e. divorced or widowed or unmarried daughter/parents/dependent disabled siblings (i.e.brothers/sisters) occurs after issue of the PPO, the pensioner himself or his/her spouse may intimate the details/names of divorced or widowed or unmarried daughter/parents/dependent disabled siblings to the pension sanctioning authority as per the procedure indicated in Para (1) of Memo cited above.However, the pension sanctioning authority even without such intimation/acknowledgment, if sufficient proof of entitlement is produced by the claimant and other conditions for grant of family pension are fulfilled". For further details go through the order copy by clicking the below link.

Click here for order copy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

8th Federal Council elected New office Bearers-Hearty Congratulations to Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE

Dear Comrades,
8th Federal Coucil is going to be concluded. I congratulate Newly elected office bearers on behalf of AIPEU Goup-C, AP Circle, Hyderabad. My Hearty Congratulation to Com.M.Krishnan on taking the charge of Secretary General of the Federation I also Congratulate and express Heart felt thanks to Com.K.Raghavendran for his valuable and unmatched contribution to the Federation and Postal Trade Union Movement.The Following were elected as new office bearers of the Federation.
1.D.K.Rahate       - President-(R-III-Maharastra)
2.C.Chandrasekhar-Working President-(P-III-Tamilnadu)
3.S.P.Mukharjee- Vice President-(ADMN.-Delhi)
4.K.K.Sharma-Vice President-(R-IV-Delhi
5.Chouhan-Vice President-(Postal Accounts-Delhi)
6.M.Krishnan-Secretary General-(P-III-Kerala)
7.Eshwar Sing Dabbas-Dy.Secretary General-(P-IV-Delhi)
8.R.N.Parasar-Asst. Seretary General-(P-III-UP)
9.R.Seethalakshmi-Asst.Secretary General-(P-IV-Karnataka)
10.S.Raghupathi-Asst.Secretary General-(P-III-Tamilnadu)
11.Raj Kumar-Financial Secretary-(P-IV-Delhi)

The following resolutions have been passed unanimously in the interest of the better functioning of the Federation.
1.Federation quota to be 5% of the union subscription.
2.Building fund to construct the Federation Building to be collected Rs.100/- from each member.
3.Next Federal Council to be hosted by Andhra Pradesh Circle.

Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2011

Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued list of Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2011 vide Memo No.12/1/2010-JCA-2 dated 21/07/2010. The following 14 holidays are the compulsory holidays to be observed by all the Central Government offices, in addition to these 14, three more holidays to be choosen by Circle level Co-ordination committee from para 3.1 of the said memo.A list of restricted holidays also available in the above Memo.


For order copy  please click the below link and down load.


Friday, June 18, 2010

CCS (LTC) Rules 1988-Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K

Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued orders vide Memo No.31011/2/2003-Estt.(A-IV) dated 18/06/2010 to permit jgovernment Servants to travel by air to J&K as per the following Scheme.
1.All officer/employees of Government of India will be allowed to avail LTC to visit J&K against conversion of one block of their Home town LTC.
2.Officers/employees of Government of India entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC in their entitled class.
3.All other employees of Government of India can travel by air in economy class from Delhi and Amritsar to any place in J&K by any airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 fares of Air India. Journey from their place of posting up to Delhi/Amritsar will have to be under taken as per their entitlement.
4.Restriction of air travel only by Air India on LTC to other places shal continue to remain in force.
5.This scheme shall be effective from the date of issuance
6.These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this OM
For full text of the order copy please click the below link and down load.

Click here for order copy

Regulation of Pension and other retirement benifits of Govt. Servants who were on ExOL/Unauthorised Absence/Suspension as on 01/01/2006 and retired/died thereafter without joining Duty

Dear Comrades,
Ministry of personnel Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare issued guidlines regarding Regulation of pension and other retirement benifits of Government servants who were on Extraordinary Leave/Unauthorised Absence/Suspension as on 01/01/2006 and retired/died thereafter without joining duty vide Memo No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 15/06/2010. Please click the below link and down load the order copy.


Department of Personnel and Training issued clarificatory orders regarding Transfer on deputation/Foreign service of central Government/State Gevernments/Public sector Undertakings/Autonomous bodies, Universities/UT Administration, Local Bodies etc. and vice-versa-Regulation of Pay, Deputation (Duty) Allowance, tenure of deputation/foreign service and other terms and conditions vide Memo No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay II) dated 17/06/2010. Full text of the order copy may please be down loaded by clicking the belowlink.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Latest CGHS recognised Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres List as on 10/06/2010 and Latest orders on CGHS/CS(MA) Rules

Dear Comrades,
Ministry Health and Family Welfare, Central Government Health Scheme has issued latest list of CGHS recognised Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres corrected up to 10/06/2010.The latest orders after implementation of 6th CPC issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare are also there in the list. This is very useful for every CGHS benificiary. Hence it is advised to all the members to save this file to your computer or in pendrive.CGHS recognised Hosiptals and Diagnostic Centres at Hyderabad are available from Page No.40 to 46.Please click the below link and go through the list.

Click here for the Latest CGHS recognised Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres as on 10/06/2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Guidelines for referrals to CGHS empanelled Hospitals in CGHS Cities out side Delhi

Dear Comrades,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health and Family Welfare issued new guidelines for referrals to CGHS empanelled Hospitals in CGHS cities outside Delhi, where there are no Central Government hospitals vide Memo No.RA/Cons/Hyd/09-10/CGS IV dated 11/06/2010.It has come to the notice of the Department of Health and Family Welfare that GHS benificiaries residing in cities outside Delhi are facing difficulties in getting services of specialists from State Government hospitals and they cannot avail services directly from private empanelled hospitals.It Clarified that"If posts of Specialist are lying vacant in polyclinics, GDMOs, who are post graduates may be posted in polyclinics for consultation, and on the basis of the advise/opinion to be tendered by them, CMO incharge, AD/JDs may refer patients to private empanelled hospitals and diagnostic centres, according to the choice of the benificiary" and it is also calrified that "once a diagnosis and treatment has been advised by the specialist doctors in dispensaries may follow up the case instead of referring back after the specific period of the prescription gets exhausted. They have to use their own clinical judgement for follow-up and adjust the dose schedules, if required".Please click the below link to get the full text of the order copy.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rotational Transfer/Posting Policy in the light of MACP Scheme-Unchanged

Dear Comrades,
Postal Directorate issued instructions rgarding Rotational Transfer/Posting policy in the light of MACP scheme vide memo No.137-27/2010-SPB-II dated 10/06/2010. It is clarified that "Demands have been raised for issuing new guide lines about utilization of MACP-I, MACP-II, and MACP-III officials in the Postal Operative offices and in the Postal Divisional Offices.The matter has been carefully considered by the Directorate in the light of Recruitment Rules and the objective of MACP scheme. MACP Scheme clearly states that on grant of financial upgradation under the scheme, there shall be no change in the designation, classification of high status. The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis. Thus those who are granted ACP, they would continue to function against their posts".

Click here for order copy

Acceptance of Awards without prior approval of the Government attracts Rule-14 of CCS Conduct Rules 1972

Dear Comrades,
Postal Directorate issued orders vide memo No.25-14/2010-SPG dated 10/06/2010 regarding the above subject.It is clearly mentioned in the letter written by Cabinet Secretary that the acceptance of awards without the approval of the Government is a violation of the conduct Rules and it attracts Rule 14 of CCS (conduct) Rules 1972. A copy the DG letter is placed here for the information of the members.

Click here for order copy

Friday, June 11, 2010

Travelling Allowance Rules-Availing of Hotel Accomodation at ITDC/STDC Hotels on official tour

Dear Comrades,
The matter regarding availability of suitable Hotel Accomodation etc. within the rates approved vide the O.M. to Govt. Officials while on Tour has been taken up by the Ministry of Tourism with various state governments and also with ITDC.Now Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure issued orders vide Memo No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 11/06/2010 that "Government Officials may, if they so desire, avail of their rates offiered by State Tourism departments and ITDC while on official tour depending on their entitlement as per OM dated 23/09/2008".For order copy please click the below link and down load.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Directorate issued orders for Payment of 2nd Installment of 60% arrears to GDS officials

Dear comrades,
Postal Directorate issued order for payment of second installment of 60% arrears on account of implementation of Sri R.S.Nataraja Murthy Committee recommendations on revision of wage structure of GDS officials vide Memo No.6-1/2009-PE-II dated 10/06/2010. Further it is clearly mentioned that the process of payment of second Installment may be completed by 15/07/2010 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Financial Powers up to Rs.20 Lakhs delegated to Heads of Circles for PLI/RPLI data entry work

Dear Comrades,
Secretary (P) issued orders for deligation of Financial Powers to the Heads of the Circles up to the extent of Rs.20 Lakhs for out sourcing of data entry work of New PLI/RPLI proposals and issue of Bonds for the financial year 2010-2011 vide Memo No.6-1/2007-FC-(Post) dated 04/06/2010.The order copy may be down loaded by clicking the below link.

Click here for order copy

Travelling Allowance-Transportation of Personal Effects-Clarificatory orders issued by Finance Ministry

Dear Comrades,
Finance Ministry Issued Clarification in respect of Traveling Allowance (Transportation of Personal Effects) in super session of their Memo dated 23/09/2008 vide Memo No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 08/06/2010.The orders placed here for the information of the members.

Click here for order dated 08/06/2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Clarification regarding Placement of Non-Matriculate Group-D Employees in the Pay Band PB-I w.e.f. 01/01/2006-

Dear Comrades,
Postal Directorate issued clarification regarding Placement of non matriculate Group-D employees in the Pay Band PB-1 with effect from 01/01/2006 vide Mamo No.1-20/2008-PCC dated 28/05/2010."It is further made clear that as the erstwhile Group-D officials, now placed in Group-C and known as Multi Skilled Employees shall continue to serve in their existing cadres viz. Post offices, RMS offices, Circle offices etc, which are seperate and distinct cadres, their inter-se-seniority should be drawn cadre wise. Further, as was being done so far, the Seniority Lists/Gradation List should be maintained seperately for each division, Unit etc. in each cadre".

Click Here to get the order copy

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All the PDF documents require adobe reader to open the documents.Please download and install adobe reader(Acrobat Reader) by clicking the link.Please read instructions care fully before downloading the adobe reader.All the orders are in pdf format.
If you download and install adobe reader then only you can able to view/print all these orders placed in our site.Thank you comrades.

DOPT issued a wonderfull order regarding Govt. servants covered by New Pension Scheme

According to this order Govt. Servants who appointed on or after 01/01/2004 will cover New Pension Scheme can get Provisional Pension according to Old Pension Scheme where Govt.Servant Died/Retired on medical invalidation.For details Please click this link to down load the order



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