Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
No.PF-67-1/2016 Dated
27th July,2016
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
Delhi-110 001.
Sub: -Bifurcation of A.P. Circle in
to A.P and Telangana Circles w.e.f 01.07.2016-Calling for the options from the Circle
cadre officials – Reg
Ref: - 1. Directorate O.M No38-3/2014-PE – II dated
01.07.20162. CO Lr.No.ST/Bifurcation/A.P.Circle/2016 dated 15.07.2016.
Your kind attention is invited to
the reference cited above on the subject, where in the A.P. Circle has been
bifurcated in to A.P. and Telangana Circles vide reference cited (1) above. It
has been clarified vide point No.9 of Annexure-III of directorate OM cited
above that “Distribution of the staff will be as far as possible, based on
willingness. One time option facility may be given to all staff concerned”.
A.P. Circle vide CO letter cited
under reference (2) above, issued instructions to the divisions/units to obtain
the options from the officials belongs to circle cadre only i.e from LSG and
above cadres and PA and MTS of RO/CO cadres only.
I would like to invite your kind
attention towards the recent recruitment of Postal Assistants in the circle
where in the recruitment was held circle level and the candidates were allotted
to the divisions/Regions on the basis of their merit in the selection list and
options submitted by the candidates. In that process some of the candidates
belong to present A.P. Circle posted to Telangana Circle and candidates belong
to Present Telangana Circle posted to A.P. Circle based on their merit in the
selection list and availability of vacancies at that time. Now they have to wait for completion of 5
years of service to apply for Rule-38 transfer according to the existing rules
on the subject.
Khammam Division has been given to
Hyderabad Region Telangana Circle, as the said division is under the revenue
control of Telangana state. Earlier it was under the control of Postmaster
General Vijayawada present A.P. Circle. The division jurisdiction is nearer to
Vijayawada and east and west Godavari Districts and the officials belongs to
neighbouring areas of those districts are working in the Khammam Division. The
officials working in Khammam division are willing to opt for A.P. Circle also.
Further I would like to mention that
few villages/towns which were under the control of Khammam Postal Division and
fall within the administrative control of Andhra Pradesh State. The options of
the officials working in those post offices have to be taken in to
consideration while allotment ofp staff on bifurcation.
It is pertinent to mention that in
the undivided A.P. Circle, the implementation of cadre restructuring has not
taken place. If the circle administration implement the cadre restructuring,
the number of posts of circle cadre will be increased and the officials working
in those posts fall within the purview of circle cadre posts and they are
eligible for giving their options while bifurcation. Now these officials are
deprived off their opportunity to give their options because of non
implementation of cadre restructuring in the circle. Though the order of cadre
restructuring came much earlier than the circle bifurcation, the circle
administration is implementing the bifurcation order without completing the
cadre restructuring.
Keeping in view the circumstances
explained above, it would be more beneficial to the officials of PA cadre if
the one time options may be called for from the Postal Assistants working in
the Circle and the staff may be adjusted as per the sanctioned strength in the
two circles.
It is therefore , requested to
kindly cause necessary instructions for calling for the
options from all the officials in the circle as one time measure so that they
can be accommodated as per their willingness after bifurcation of the circles.
An early action in this regard is highly
Yours faithfully,

(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to:
The Circle
Secretary AIPE Union Group-C AP Circle.
super but there is no update for this still