Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Revision of FMC-Directorate orders

Dear Comrades,
Postal Diretorate issued orders to revise Fixed Monitary Compensation to delivery staff and remuneration w.e.f. 24/11/2010 vide Their Memo No.10-7-2001-PE.II dated 24/11/2010.
FMC Admissible to Postmen Staff
1.When One Postman performs duty of an absentee Postman by combination of duties revised from Rs.29 per day to Rs.50/-per day
2.When two Postmen perform duty of an absentee Postman by sharing the beat revised from Rs.14 to per day to Rs.28 per day
fixation/revision of Holiday Monetary Compensation payable to Postmen Staff and other Departmental staff brought on duty on 2nd consecutive Holiday if three consecutive holidays occur

Rs.85 per holiday for 4 hours
2.Postal Assistant

Rs.85 per holiday for 4 hours

3.Postmen/Sorting Postmen

Rs.85 per holiday

4.Multi tasking staff

Rs.60 per holiday for 4 hours

Directorate ordered to identify Posts of Postmaster Cadre and intimated allotment of Posts to the circles

Dear Comrades,
In continuation of Directorates Memo dated 03/02/2010 the directorate allotted the number of Posts of Postmaster Cadre to the circles and directed them to identify the posts in the circle vide Memo No.13-2/2010-PE.I dated 25/11/2010.The same is placed here for the information of the members.A.P.Circle got 140 posts of Postmster Grade-I,35 Posts of Postmaster grade-II and 34 Posts of Postmaster Grade-III.

Monday, November 29, 2010

National Council Meeting of Confederation going to be held from 01/12/2010 at Mumbai

Dear Comrades,
As notified by the secretary general of the Confederatin vide letter dated 11/11/2010, the National Council of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers going to be held on 1st December, 2010 at DGFAFLI, Ministry of Labour, Central Labour Institute, Chunabhatti Road, Sion, Mumbai – 400 022.

1. Review of the 7th September Strike (The State Committee will place written report).
2. Finalisation of Charter of Demands. (Members may send in item for inclusion in the Charter well before the National Council Meeting).
3. Reporting on issues pending at the National Anomaly and MACP Committee meetings.
4. Issues taken up before the National Council (Members may send fresh item with explanatory memorandum, the problem faced by various states in respect of CGHS facilities may be submitted separately).
5. Steps to be taken to improve the participation of Central Government Employees in the common struggles of the working class.
6. Finalisation of programmes of action.
7. Organisational review (State Committees and applications for affiliations).
8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

                          On behalf of our State Council I am personally attending the meeting.This is for the information of the members.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Drawal of Revised wages to Paid Substitutes in short term Vacancies of GDS employees-Clarification Issued by Circle office

Dear Comrades,
Circle Office issued a clarification regarding drawal of revised wages to Paid Substitutes working in short term GDS Vacancies vide Memo No.EST/Wage Rate/DE/09 dated 26/11/2010. According to the clarification "All Substitutes engaged in the place of GDSs on or after 09/10/2009 will be eligible for minimum revised TRCA".

Friday, November 26, 2010

Promotion to the PSS Group-B Grade for the year 2010-Directorate Issued orders

Dear Comrades,
Postal directorate issued orders in respect of Promotion to the cadre of PSS Group-B for the year 2010 vide memo No.9-35/2010-SPG dated 24/11/2010.
The following officers have been promoted from A.P.Circle
1. Sri K. Narsing Rao, ASP (SC) allotted to A.P. Circle
2. Sri D. Ramanaiah, ASP(SC) 1989 Batch -alloted to A.P. Circle
Tamilandu Circle to A.P. Circle
1. Sri J. Raghavendran
2. Sri P. Duraiswamy
3. Sri R. Bhaskaran
4. S. Duraiswamy
5. Sri K. Durairaju
Karnataka Circle to A.P. Circle
1. Sri A.V. Gaikwad
2. Sri Ramakrishna Somayaji
3. Sri Vageesh Varada
4. Sri Diwakara

Click here to get the order copy

Instructions and Guidelines on seniority

Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued Consolidated Instructions and Guidelines on seniority vide memo No.20011/1/2008-Estt.(D) dated 11/11/2010.
The consolidated instructions include revised instructions on the following:

1. Seniority of persons appointed on direct recruitment fiom the reserved panel at a later date, specifically when the officers from the subsequent selection panel have already joined.
2. Inter-se seniority of two panels of direct recruits, where more than one selection panel are received from UPSCISSC through letter of same date.
3. Fixation of seniority of a person who has been transferred to a lower post under FR 15-A.
4. Seniority in case of appointment on compassionate grounds
Click here to get the order copy

43rd Indian Labour Conference Concluded on 24/11/2010

Dear comrades,
The two day 43rd Indian Labour Conference was inagurated by Dr.Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister on 23/11/2010 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi and the same was concluded on 24/11/2010.the apex national tripartite body that discusses key issues affecting labour and employment and provides policy perspectives and recommendations, concluded in New Delhi today. The Conference was inaugurated by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on Tuesday 23rd November 2010. Senior level representatives of the three pillars of the tripartism, Trade Unions, Employers‟ Associations and Government, participated in the deliberations of the two days conference. The conference deliberations focused on three key concerns relating to the world of work, namely, Global Financial downturn - its impact - job losses - comprehensive package for protection
of labour force, etc.; Problems of contract labour - social security, wages, etc. and amendments in the contract labour legislation; and Employment generation and skill development. The ILC noted that the economic slowdown has still not been overcome at the global level. The recommendations of the Committee included strict implementation of the Labour laws on layoffs, retrenchment etc. Broad based social security
provisions should be devised. Employment guarantee schemes and Public Distribution System should be further strengthened. Training and retraining of workers is important in the present situation. The benefits of stimulus packages should percolate to micro, small and medium enterprises also.
After deliberating upon a variety of issues relating to contract labour the following resolutions were passed unanimously:

1. All efforts should be made to ensure that the existing provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and Rules made there under are implemented in letter and spirit.
2. The labour enforcement machinery in the Centre and the States should be strengthened by providing requisite manpower and other logistic facilities so as to ensure effective implementation of labour related legislations.
3. States are mandated to constitute Tripartite State Advisory Boards under the Act. However, it was pointed out that a number of States do not have such Boards constituted. It was unanimously resolved that such States should be asked to constitute such Boards under the Act at the earliest.
4. Payments should be made to the contract workers through banks. Necessary amendments should be made in the Act/Rules.

The following proposals were also considered by the Group:

1) In case where the contract labour perform the same or similar kind of work as the workmen, directly appointed by the Principal Employer, the wage rates, holidays, hours of work, social security and other conditions of service of contract labour shall be the same as are available to the workmen on the rolls of the Principal Employer.This provision exists substantially under the existing Rules. This needs to be incorporated in the principal Act.
2) The threshold limit of 20 workers for applicability of the Act should be dispensed with.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

CGHS Guidelines in non-emergencies-Directorate Latest Orders

Dear Comrades,

Postal Directorate issued latest guide lines in non-emergencies in accordance with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Memo No.S.11011/23/2009 CGHSD.II/Hospital Cell/CGHS (P) dated 10/11/2010 vide Directorates Memo No.30-07/2010-11/C&APB dated 22/11/2010.It clearly states that "The advice of CGHS/other Government Specialist/CMO in-charge permission for undergoing laboratory/pathological test/specific investigations in case of non-emergencies should be obtained from the Competent Authority". However the CGHS beneficiary shal have the option of availing specific investigation from any of the empanelled diagnostic laboratories/Imaging centres of his/her choice (Provided the diagnostic laboratory/Imaging Centre empanelled for that treatment procedure/test).

Click here for get the oreder copy

Latest News From CHQ

Postmaster’s Cadreorders have been issued by the directorate vide Memo No.4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22/11/2010 regarding induction of Postmaster Cadre. It has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters comprising the grades mentioned vide Directorates Lr.No.13-2/2010-PE-I dated 03/02/2010. by carving out the posts from existing General Line Posts.

1.The recruitment Rules of the above grades have since been framed and notified vide Memo dated 09/09/2010.
2. Initial constitution of the various Grades of Postmasters shall be done by inviting options/applications from the existing incumbents of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I in Post offices and PS Group, ‘B’.
3. In subsequent years all the vacancies in Postmaster Gr.I shall be filled up through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, From amongst PAs with 5 years regular service in the grade
4. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. II Posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. I with 6 years regular service in the grade (including regular service in LSG, if any).
5. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. III posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. II with 5 years regular service the grade (including regular service in HSG II, If any).
6. 25% of vacancies in the grade of Sr. Postmaster will be filled up by promotion of Postmaster Gr. III with 2 years of regular service in the grade (including regular service in HSG, I if any) and 75% by Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with 6 years of regular service in the grade on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
7. The officials in PS Gr ‘B’ and Senior Postmaster (Gazetted) would be eligible for induction in IPOs, Gr ‘A’ on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list.

Time Line to be followed by all the circles
(i) Date of Issue of Circular calling for the options/applications for appointment as Postmaster Grade I, II and III. - 14.12.2010
(ii) Last date for receipt of options/applications along with bio-data - 15.01.2011
(iii) Completion of scrutiny of applications and obtaining Vigilance Clearance and ACR dossiers. - 31.01.2011
(iv) Submission to Screening Committee. - 10.02.2011
(vi) Submission of the minutes to the appointing authority for approval - 01.03.2011
(vii) Issue of appointment orders - 16.03.2011
Other Issues
1.Revision of FSC – orders are expected to be released this month itself
2.Enhancement of Fixed Monetary compensation revising Rs.24/- as Rs.50/- and Rs.85/- for holiday duty will be released next week
3.UPSC has raised some queries on HSG-I Recruitment Rules which had been clarified. The Revised Recruitment Rules will be issued shortly
4.The file relating to enhancement of OSA has been submitted to J.S. F.A. (Finance) for approval.
5.Direct Recruitment of PA/SAs were completed within couple of days to the extent of around 16000 posts.
6.The preliminary (first) sitting of the Cadre Restructuring committee will be held on 26.11.2010 at 3 PM.
7.Regarding the revision of wages of casual labourers it is informed that the file is being sent to nodel Ministry for approval. It is expected to be cleared by the Nodal ministries within 2-3 weeks. The wages will be revised with effect from 01.01.2006
8.The Department has issued orders vide Memo No.4-4/2009-PCC dated 19/00/2010 clarifying that No casual labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative offices i.e. CO/RO/DO/PAO with effect from 1st December 2010
9.The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be outsourced wherever feasible.
10.Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning etc are now part of duties assigned to Multi Tasking staff, the existing practice of engaging casual laborers as waterman, Gardner, watch and ward and any other miscellaneous category shall be dispensed with effect from 1st December 2010

Redesigning erstwhile Group-D employees as Multi Tasking Staff Group-C and Theri revised duties-Directorate orders

Dear Comrades,
In persuance to COPT OM No.AB-14017/6/2009-Estt (RR) dated 30/04/2010 and OM No.1-20/2008-PCC dated 24/09/2010 of DOP the designation of erstwhile central Secretariate Group-D employees on the cadre of Postal Directorate will henceforth be designated as multi Tasking Staff group-C in the Secretariate. The following duties have been prescribed for the Multi Tasking Staff Group-C vide directorate Memo No11-1/2010-Admn date 18/11/2010.
1.Maintanance of dairy/dispatch/Movement registers including entry in computer and physical maintanance of records.
2.Submission of periodical statements of reoutine nature like absentee statement,etc
3.preperation and submission of indents with the approval of supervisor
4.photocopying and sending of fax messages
5.delivery of dak within and out side the building
6.watch and ward/caretaker duties,opening and closing of rooms,general cleanliness and up keep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture,cleaning of building,rooms,fixture; upkeep of parks,lawns,potted plants,etc.
7.other non-clerical work in the section/unit
8.driving of vehicles,if in possession of valid driving license
9.sale of postage stamps/stationery,assistance in booking of Registered/Parcel and Speed Post articles, Recipt and Dispatch of Mails including preperation of Mail/Registered/Parcel lists,Preperation of delivery lists for registered articles/Money orders.
10.Scaning of speed post bags/articles and its uploading on the speed net or any other software dealing with the processing of speed post articles or similar other activity
11.Assistance in sorting of mails,exchange of mail letter box clearence,etc.
12.Handling customer enquiries.
The additional duties assigned to such Multi Tasking Staff Group-C are only illustrative and not exhaustive. Any other duty/duties may also be assigned to them by the Superior Authority.

Click here to get the order copy

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Directorate Orders on recommendation of High level Sports Committee Headed by CPMG, Tamilnadu

Dear Comrades,
20th meeting of Postal Sports Board held at Chennai on 05th July 2010. After the said meeting the Items N o.2,12,18,31,39,44 and 48 were referred to a Committee headed by CPMG, Tamilnadu Circle vide directorate letter dated 16/07/2010 for its consideration and submission of a report. The Committee after examination of the issues, submitted its report on 16/09/2010 which has been further considered by the competent authority and as a result thereof, the following order is issued by the directorate vide memo No.2-01/2009-WL/Sports dated 01/11/2010.

Item No. 2 Enhancement of Kit allowance to `.1000/-

The kit allowance will be enhanced form `.500/- to `.750/- for first time participation and thereafter from `.250/- to `.500/- per year.
Item No. 12. In the matter of appointment to higher grade, age relaxation to be given in labor of Gramin Dak Sevaks having played at State/National level.

As per instruction contained in GOI, DOPT's OM No. 15012/3/84-Estt.(D) dated 12th November, 1987, meritorious sports persons satisfying the provisions contained in para 1(a) of the OM dated 04.08.1980 are allowed relaxation in upper age limit up to a maximum of 5 years (10 years in case of SC/ST) for the purpose of appointment to all Groups of Civil posts. In the light of these instructions, there is need for any further relaxation in the matter of recruitment against sports quota.
Item No. 18 Participation of regularly appointed Gramin Dak Sevaks in All India Postal meets even if they do not complete six months of service.

Regularly appointed Gramin Dak Sevaks will be permitted to participated in All India Postal tournaments.
Item No. 31 On the analogy of individual events where cash award is given for achieving 3rd position in All India Postal Tournaments, it may be extended in case of team events where cash award, at present, is being restricted only in case of teams achieving first and second position.

Status quo to continue.
Item No. 39 The training period should be of 14 days in connection with participation in All India competitions.

This issue will be examined when our teams will start participating in National level tournaments and will show good performance.
Item No. 44 Organizing National games by major Circles in every five years.

The proposal did not find favour.
Item No. 48 Grant of financial assistance to employees whose wards are showing excellence in sports.

For participation in the international level tournament, cash award of `.10,000/- may be given. For excellence in National level tournament and procurement of 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions, an award of `.5000/-may be given. For mere participation at National level event, consolation award of `.1000/- may be given.

This will take effect form the date of issue and no past case will be reopened.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Notice for Federal Executive Meeting going to be held at Hyderabad on 10/12/2010

Dear Comrades,
Federation Secretary General Issued Notice for Federal Executive Committee Meeting going to be held on 10/12/2010 at Hyderabad.The same is placed here for the information of the members.

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DOPT issued a wonderfull order regarding Govt. servants covered by New Pension Scheme

According to this order Govt. Servants who appointed on or after 01/01/2004 will cover New Pension Scheme can get Provisional Pension according to Old Pension Scheme where Govt.Servant Died/Retired on medical invalidation.For details Please click this link to down load the order



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