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Monday, July 21, 2014

Postings of LSG (Accounts) of Hyderabad REgion-RO orders

Office of the Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad – 500 001.
                        The Competent Authority has ordered the following re-allotment and posting in the cadre of LSG Accountant and posted as mentiond below.

Name of the official S/Sri
Region in which working
Place of Posting ordered in Hyderabad City Region
Smt. N.Manjula Kavitha, APM Accounts, Mahabubnagar H.O. Mahabubnagar Division.
Hyderabad Region
APM (Accounts),
Hyderabad Jublee. H.O.

The above transfer is at the request of the official and She is  entitled for TA/TP

In pursuance of orders contained in Cicle Office Memo No. ST/6-3/ LSG Actts/delgs/2014 dated 08.07.2014,The Competent Authority has approved promotion to the following Postal Assistants to the cadre of LSG Accountant in the pay band of Rs.52,00-20200/- with and Grade Pay.2800/- and allotted to Kurnool Region  is posted as mentioned below.

Name of the official S/Sri
Division/  Region in which working
Place of Posting ordered
M. Madhusudhan Reddy, Accountant. D.O. Hanam Konda.
Hanamkonda Division.
A.P.M. Accounts,
Karimnagar .H.O.
Karimnagar DN.
Vice –Post Vacant.
Smt. V.Lakxhmi, Actt, Hyderabad G.P.O.
Hyderabad City Region.
A.P.M. Accounts,
Kamareddy. H.o.
Nizamabad Dn.
Vice-Post Vacant.
Y.Revathi, Acctt, SSPOs O/o Secundrabad.
Hyderabad City Region
A.P.M. Accounts
Mahabubnagar. H.O.
Mahabubnagar Dn.
Vice- Smt. Manjula Kavith, APM, re-allotted to Hyderabad City Region.
J.Ramulu, Accountant,
Jublee. Hill. H.O.
Sout East Division,

South East Division, Hyderabad.
APM Nalgonda. H.O.
Nalgonda Dn.
Vice –Post Vacant.

On receipt of the posting order, the official may please be relieved immediately to join in the promotional post, in case there is no vigilance/disciplinary cases pending against them. 
The officials in   may exercise option for pay fixation under the provisions of FR-22 (I) (a)(1) if they are not in the Pay band of Rs.5,200/--20,200/- with Grade Pay of Rs.2,800/- and Rs.9300-34,800 drawing in the grade pay of Rs.4,200/-   within one month from the date of assuming charge in the promotional post.                                                     

The officials should accept/decline the promotion unconditionally in writing within one month from the date of issuance of this order.  In case the official declines promotion, an unconditional declination letter may please be obtained immediately and to be forwarded to this office for taking further necessary action. If the official declines promotion, they should note that they are not elgible for promotion to the cadrfe of Norm Based L.S.G. for a period of  1 (one ) year either on regular or adhoc basis from th date of declination. Further the officials who decline promotion will not be considered for financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme, if any due, as per the existing rules/instructins till they accept promotion.

The Divisional Superintendents concerned should relieve the official  forthworth with a direction to join them in the promotional post with immediate effect. No request for re-allotment will be registered before joining in the  promotional post b neednot to be sent to this office.

Charge reports may please be sent to all concerned immediately.

Asst.Director Postal Services,
O/o the Postmaster General,
Hyd.Region, Hyderabad – 500 001.

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