Minutes of 113rd R.J.C.M.
Meeting held on 22.07.2015 at 10:00AM at Srisailam in Kurnool Region
The 113rd R.J.C.M.
meeting was held on 22.07.2015 at 10:00 AM at Srisailam in Kurnool Region.
Chief PMG chaired the meeting.
The following have attended the
Official Side:
Sri B V Sudhakar,
Chief Postmaster General, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad & Chairperson, RJCM.
Smt. B Radhika
Chakravarthy, DPS (Hqrs), Circle Office, Secretary, Official Side, RJCM.
Sri Col M Eleesha,
Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region & Member, RJCM
Sri M Sampath,
Postmaster General, Vijayawada Region & Member, RJCM.
Smt. M Sharda
Sampath, Postmaster General, Visakhapatnam Region & Member, RJCM.
Sri A Ranganath
Shyam, Director of Accounts (Postal) & Member, RJCM.
Sri DASV Prasad,
Secretary, Staff Side, RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C.
Sri Ch Vidya Sagar, Member,
RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIPEU PM & MTS.
Sri R J Madhusudana
Rao, Member, RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIRMS & MMS EU Gr-C.
Sri Y Bhoomeshwar,
Member, RJCM&Ex-CirclePresident, AIRMS&MMS EU MGs & MTS Gr-C.
Sri K Ramachandram,
Member, RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIPAOEU Gr-C & MTS
Sri Gulam Rabbani,
Member, RJCM & Circle Secretary, NUPE PM & Gr-D.
Sri S. V. Rao, Deputy Divisional
Manager (PLI) also sat in the meeting to assist the Chief PMG. ITEMS DISCUSSED
Item No. 1-08/2014:
Restriction on Rule 38 transfers in respect of
Visakhapatnam Postal Division :
Decision: The committee met on 13.02.215,
discussed the issue on restriction of Rule-38 transfers in respect of Visakhapatnam
Postal Division and unanimously recommended the following.
As per the existing Directorate
rulings, out of the total vacancies that arose in a particular recruitment
year, 50% of vacancies are to be allotted to DP and DR quotas. The committee
recommended that the approval of Rule-38 transfers be restricted to 50 % of the
vacancies allotted to DP as at present, but 50 % of vacancies in respect of DR
be further split as 25% - Rule-38 ad 25% - by Open market notification.
For example, if 20 vacancies arose
for the year 2015, 10 vacancies will be allotted to each DP and DR quotas, @
Out of 10 vacancies in DR quota, 5 vacancies (i.e., 25%) will be filled
up with Rule-38 transfers and the remaining 5 vacancies will be thrown open to
Recruitment from open market.
No. 2-08/2014:
This is
regarding filling up of Supervisory posts other than selection grade in
HOs/A/B/C Class SOs.
Decision: Report of the committee is received.
After detailed discussions the committee suggests for dropping of the
Item No. 2-08/2012:
Irregular Audit objection raised by the P&T
Audit for recovery of Incentive paid for NREGS work at Wanaparthy Division.
Decision:As discussed during the
meeting, a revised reply may be given to P & T Audit explaining the
position that the incentive under reference was paid based on orders issued by
Circle Office and before receipt of orders of Postal Directorate, with a
request to admit the objection. O/o DA (P) may please take immediate necessary
action and ACAO / Sr. AO may please meet Director, P & T Audit in this
Item No. 4-01/2014: Security Arrangements in Postal Staff Quarters
in Hyderabad City.
Decision:Necessary action will
be taken immediately.
Item No. 9-01/2014:provision of cash vans to every HO:
Decision:It is to intimate that
a draft NIT has been prepared by the committee, calling for the tenders to
provide cash vans to the Head Post offices in the entire Circle for conveyance
of cash from Head Post Offices to Sub Post Offices / Branch Post Offices.
per the orders of CPMG, legal advice on the draft NIT has been obtained on
28.04.2015 from Branch Secretariat, Department of Legal Affairs, Bangalore.
The matter has been referred to
Directorate and also a copy of draft NIT has been sent to Directorate vide
Circle Office letter No. Tech / Cash Van / Dlgs / 2013 dated 28.05.2015 and
reminded on 08.07.2015.
Meanwhile as
decided in the meeting, a Circle level tender will be floated immediately.
Technical Section of Circle Office will take necessary action.
Item No. 7-04/2014:Provision
of centralized A/C to MPCM counters and SB branch at Secunderabad HO.
Decision: It is not possible to
provide centralized Air conditioning as there is no provision for such
facilities in the Department.ITEM
Item No. 3-08/2014:Up
gradation of Kukatpally SO as HO by downgrading the Vikarabad HO as SO.
Decision: The proposal concurred by CIFA and
approved by Chief PMG for down gradation of Vikarabad HO into SO and up
gradation of Begumpet SO into HO, has been submitted to Directorate on
24.07.2015. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 4-08/2014:Digging
of bore wells in all departmental post offices.
Example: Vijayanagar Colony,
Banjarahills, Golconda, Khairatabad.
Decision: Digging of bore wells
is completed at Banjarahills and Khairatabad Post Offices. In other Post
Offices like Golconda, Vijayanagar Colony, etc will be completed in the current
financial year.
Item No. 6-08/2014:Up
gradation of MAANU post office to norm based LSG office.
Decision: The SSPOs, Hyderabad
City Division stated that at present the Post Office is functioning in the
accommodation provided by the Urdu University on rent free basis, with limited
accommodation in which 1 SPM, 3 PAs, 1 MTS and GDS Pkr and 8 delivery staff are
working within the available space of 570 Sft. Until, unless we procure
additional accommodation, it is not possible to upgrade this ‘A’ class office
into LSG Office. Further the SSPOs intimated that the Registrar MAANU was
addressed to provide additional accommodation of 1500 Sft to upgrade the PO to
LSG. The reply is stated to be awaited from Registrar MAANU University. Latest
reminder issued by on 18.06.2015 to submit the report by SSPOs, Hyderabad City
Division. But sufficient accommodation could not be secured so far.
As decided in
the meeting, MAANU PO will be shifted to outside the campus by securing
suitable accommodation. SSPOs, Hyderabad City Division will take immediate
necessary action.Establishment Section of Circle Office is requested to take
necessary action on the same.
Item No. 9-08/2014:Maintenance
of Generators of HOs and LSG SOs by outsiders.
Decision :Agreement for AMC of
generator repairs in entire A.P. Circle is taken up with M/s. Ingen Power
Solutions through Manager, MMS vide letter No. MSW / AM, Gensets / 2014-15
dated 16.02.2015. ITEM
No. 10-08/2014:Creation of 2nd
supervisory post at Waltair RS HO.
competent authority has ordered to utilize the services of one senior PA as 2nd
Supervisor in Waltair RS HO. The instructions were communicated to
Visakhapatnam RO through e-mail on 28.04.2015. ITEM CLOSED
No. 11-08/2014:Creation of one more HSG-I
supervisory post at Nellore HO.
Consequent on down
gradation of Repalle HO there was surplus HSG-I post in Vijayawada Region. In
Nellore HO there is a justification for HSG-I post (Treasury & Mails).
Hence the same may be attached to Nellore HO for smooth functioning of the
A clarification
is sought from the Directorate regarding posting of ASP line officers to
Visakhapatnam HO, Kachiguda HO and Nellore HO, which are being manned by IP /
ASP line officers.
In this regard, a
letter has been addressed to DDG (P) vide Circle Office letter No. EST / 2-36 /
2008 (KW) dated 13.05.2015.
View of the staff side
on this is that this case need not be referred to Directorate.
Item No. 13-08/2014:Provision
of CC Cameras in all Postal Stores Depot.
Decision:Tender was floated for
procurement of CC Cameras by SP, PSD, Hyderabad and supply orders placed on the
approved tenders on 31.03.2015 for supply to PSD, Hyderabad / Guntakal /
The supply from the
vendor is awaited.
SP, PSD, Vijayawada
stated that 12 CC Cameras are available at PSD, Vijayawada.
No. 15-08/2014:Grant of additional FSC for
Business Post Offices.
Decision: Revision of FSC is not within the competence of Head of
Circle. A proposal may be sent to Directorate to revise FSC in the Department.
on the request of Staff Side, RJCM; the Chairman had desired to supply basic
items like twin bals, ceiling wax, etc to the needy offices, if FSC sanctioned
is not sufficient for any particular office and the expenditure may be charged
under OE. Suitable instructions may be issued to all immediately by
Establishment Section of Circle Office.
Item No. 7-11/2014:Request for
grant of honorarium for the fixation of pay in respect of those whose increment
falls due from 2.1.2006 to 30.6.2006.
Decision:A letter has been
addressed to Directorate vide Circle Office letter No. Estt / RJCM / 2013 dated
15.05.2015 regarding clarification whether honorarium may be considered or not.
Reminder letter issued on 07.07.2015.
discussions in the meeting, it was decided that orders of Directorate are
already available for drawl of arrears of 6th CPC. The same orders
can be extended to present case also, since these arrears are also relating to
6th CPC only.
In view of this
decision, Establishment branch will put up the file for concurrence of CIFA and
approval of Chief PMG.
Item No. 11-11/2014:Provision of
Night Watchman/Security Guard to the offices up to LSG/Grade I office status
which are being run in Departmental Buildings though postmaster quarters are
Decision:The Divisional Heads in
Hyderabad City Region are being addressed to conduct establishment review in
respect of LSG and above post offices in their Division and submit proposals
for re-deployment of surplus Group-D posts as Chowkidars (night watchman),
immediately to examine the issue.Establishment Section vide letter No. EST-IV /
OS-SG / CO dated 28.05.2015 has been requested the Regions to examine the issue
and offer their views.
Reminders issued to
City Units on 11.06.2015 and to Regions on 12.06.2015.
Item No. 12-11/2014:Supply of Sufficient stock of Postage Stamps of all
denominations and Revenue Stamps from CSD.
Decision:SP, CSD informed that there is sufficient stock of public postage stamps
and revenue stamps as on date. ITEM
Item No. 16-11/2014:Construction of Cycle Shed and Recreation Room at Wanaparthy HO.
Decision:Construction of cycle
shed is possible at rear side, where as there is no space for Recreation room
at Wanaparthy HO as reported by AE (Civil).
RO, Hyderabad will take
immediate necessary action to construct a cycle shed at Wanaparthy HO.
Item No. 20-11/2014:Non
adherence of Directorate guidelines issued in respect of fraud cases. The
Divisional heads/ Disciplinary authorities concerned are not responding in time
to initiate the disciplinary action against main offenders and not initiating
the action under Revenue Recovery/PAD Act to recover the loss:.
Decision: All Regions & Units in HCR were requested to
ensure that, every disciplinary authority has to follow the guidelines issued
in Directorate letter No. 4-22/PT-72/Inv dated 04.07.1972 regarding action in
respect of absconding officials involving in the fraud cases, and also, to
follow the guidelines issued by Directorate / Circle Office in initiation of
disciplinary action against main offenders and on recovery loss from them under
RP / PAD Act. They were also requested to review all fraud and loss cases
keeping in view the above points and fix up responsibility in the cases where
abnormal delay if any is noticed vide Circle Office letter No. Inv / Misc /
2013 dated 08.12.2014.
Due to regular
monitoring of all the pending loss and fraud cases as per the guidelines of
Directorate, the Circle could be able to close 368 cases during the period from
01.04.2014 to 30.06.2015.
In view of the serious concern
raised by the Staff Side, RJCM; it was decided to issue suitable instructions
to all concerned to concentrate on the following points also in addition to the
existing instructions.
1. To
focus on recovery from the main offender.
2. As
soon as the fraud has come into light, Divisional Head should camp in the
office of fraud, find out the fraud amount and put all his / her resources to
recover the amount from the main offender as early as possible.
3. To
report the matter to Enforcement Directorate in all cases where the recovery is
not done with a request to attach the properties of the main offender, if
available. This should be done as mandatory in all cases where the recovery
could not be done.
4. To
complete Rule-14/Rule-16 cases immediately.
5. To
avoid frauds, all preventive measures already defined may thoroughly be
implemented / monitored at all levels. This should be a continuous process in
addition to guidelines available in respect of observation of tenures, surprise
checks keeping the life style of officials, gathering the confidential
information of suspected officials, etc.
Investigation Section of Circle
Office may issue suitable detailed guidelines immediately.
Item No. 22-11/2014:Uniform
procedure to be discussed, finalized and circulated in respect of engaging
outsiders for booking of VPP/VPL/BP COD articles through post offices/Parcel
Business centers.
Decision: This is under
Item No. 27-11/2014:The
Departmental Canteen at Dak Sadan Building opened on 04.07.2014. The staff of
Dak Sadan Building is availaing Tea, Coffee, Butter milk, Sweet, Tiffins. The
staff are requesting for provision of meals facility. It is requested to
provide the meals in Canteen and provide one cleaner and Assistant Cook in the
Canteen to supply as per the demand.
Decision:The departmental
canteen has been providing meals facility with effect from 05.01.2015 and three
persons are working at PADC with effect from 01.05.2015.
The required
infrastructure may also be provided (Eg: Idly Steam Cooker, etc.).
It is further divided
to reduce the rate of vegetable rice from 30 to 25. It is also decided to
include Circle Secretary of All India Postal Accounts Employees Association of
DA (P) as member of PADC with immediate effect.ITEM CLSOED
Item No. 1-02/2015:MCDP
training programmes are ordered by the divisions in the eleventh hour which
causing the inconvenience to the staff members to book the train tickets and
arranging the family/social obligations.
Decision:Matter has been taken
up with PTC, Mysore vide Circle Office letter No. ST / DA-VI / Union Item /
2012-13 / KW dated 06.02.2015, to issue the schedule for trainings well in
advance of 15 days of scheduled course of training to enable to communicate the
same to the Regions / Divisions under HCR of the Circle for attending the MCDP
training programmes at PTC, Mysore in time and to utilize the seats allotted
fully by the Circle. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 2-02/2015:Presently
the staff at CPC, CBS, Sanathnagar are arranged from Hyderabad City Region. The
staff side is requested to arrange the staff from other regions other than
Hyderabad City Region to avoid shortage of staff in Hyderabad City region and
encouraging the staff working in other regions to work in Hyderabad City.
Decision:Posting of Staff in CPC
is not yet decided by Postal Directorate, meanwhile we have redeployed 7 PA
posts and 1 MTS post from Hyderabad City Region units. Requests if any from
Regions will also be examined. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 4-02/2015:Provision
of A/Cs in server room and finance mart in Hyderabad GPO.
Decision: There is a proposal for
renovation work at Finance Mart of Hyderabad GPO. Provision of ACs will be
taken up after the renovation work.
Item No. 5-02/2015:Arrest
leakage of drain water at Hyderabad GPO delivery hall and repairs to the roof
of Hyderabad GPO delivery hall.
Decision: Work completed. ITEM
Item No. 11-02/2015:Construction
of separate drinking water sump at Sanathnagar I.E SO. Now in the present sump
the drainage water is mixing, hence it is requested to construct separate
drinking water sump.
Decision: Work completed. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 17-02/2015:Request
for reopen of RLO at Hyderabad GPO.
Decision:Accommodation will be
Item No. 18-02/2015:Request
for allocation of Budget for replacement of old drainage system in Postal
quarters, Chikkadapally, Hyderabad.
Decision: Repairs to drainage system at
D-Block, C-Block and E-Block are completed on 31.03.2015.
Staff Side informed that our drainage level
is lower than the drainage level of GHMC. It is therefore necessary to replace
the entire drainage system of Chikkadapally staff quarters immediately.
Item No. 5-07/2015:Immediate
shifting of Post Offices which are not having accommodation according to SOA.It
is brought to the notice that the number of post offices in AP circle are
functioning with insufficient accommodation without the minimum amenities.
Hence it is requested to action may be taken to immediate shifting of post
offices which are not having accommodation according to SOA.
Decision:Names of specific Post
Offices may be given so that the matter can be examined.It
was further decided to follow SOA strictly in all cases. If required
accommodation is not available, the Post Offices should not be shifted.Suitable
instructions may be issued to all by Buildings Section of Circle Office.ITEM
Item No. 6-07/2015:Provision of
additional staff/outsourcing to feed the RD accounts in all departmental post
Decision:Instructions have
already been issued to Regions / Units in HCR vide Circle Office letter No.
SBI/Outsourcing/2013 dated 29.05.2015 to provide manpower by way of outsourcing
wherever required depending on the work load by following prescribed procedure
for outsourcing the staff.
However, a consolidate
proposal projecting the additional requirement of staff based on the
establishment reviews. Establishment Section / SB Section may please take
necessary action immediately.
Item No. 7-07/2015:Sanction of
HRA to SPM Sabbavaram SO in Anakapalli Division
Decision:Letter has been
addressed to PMG, Visakhapatnam Region vide letter No. BDM / APNER – VM / Misc
/ II dated 12.06.2015 to submit a detailed report. Report is yet to be received
from RO, Visakhapatnam.
Item No. 8-07/2015:Proper
maintenance of IQs at Tirumala Hills and IQ at Visakhapatnam RS.
Decision:Regarding Visakhapatnam
RS, SRM was directed to remove computer peripherals from RS. Staff side
informed that maintenance of the IQs is not good. Postmaster General,
Visakhapatnam may please visit and take necessary action and supply the
required furniture, etc.
It is decided to
improve the facilities in IQs at Tirumala by coloring, supplying new cots, bed
sheets and other furniture on priority basis. Postmaster General, Kurnool will
take immediate necessary action and report compliance within a month.
Item No. 12-07/2015:Prompt disposal
of medical bills:
Decision:A letter has been
addressed to Regions / Units in HCR vide Circle Office letter No. Accts / Union
/ RJCM / 2014 dated 11.05.2015 to submit the report. Report is yet to be
received from Regions / Units. Reminder issued on 06.07.2015.
It is decided to
give suitable instructions to scrutinize medical bills immediately on their
receipt without waiting for the funds and to get the information if required
anything, and keep the bills ready for passing them immediately on receipt of
Accounts Section of Circle Office
is requested to take immediate necessary action on the same.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 13-07/2015:Unnecessary
hardships faced by the retiring officials due to the non observation of defects
by the checking parties of the DA (P) office:
Each and every Govt. servant in the
Department of Posts will render a minimum of 20 to 30 years of service before
his retirement. During this time the service book of the official must be
verified by the staff of DA (P) office atleast 40 to 60 times. Even after so many
verifications / Checks the pension section of the DA (P) office is posting out,
just one month before of his retirement that
There is correction spelling
mistake in the name of the official in the first phase of his service book.
Death certificate of 1st
wife, though the official had availed LTC and claimed medical bills on many
times on the name of his second wife during his service.
Raising objections on MACP
promotions, though it was approved by the DPCS i.e. Divisional Head, PMG
etc. (especially MTS to Postman &
Postman to PA).
the Department is forcing the Postman to have 100% delivery every day, why it
is not forcing the DA (P) to have 100% checking of the service books by the DA
(P) staff before it reaches pension section.
1. As
per the existing procedure, two (2) Service books are required to be maintained
one by DDO and another by the official. Service books will be kept in the
custody of the Head of the Office. The entries in the service books are to be
verified by the Internal Audit Parties of the O/o DA (P) as per the norms fixed
by the Directorate. Cent percent verification at every stage has not been
prescribed as pointed out in the letter.
2. The
Service book along with the pension papers from the heads of the offices
(Divisions, etc) duly scrutinized will be received in pension and other
pensionary benefits. From the general recalling of the IA party observations
and the AE observations by the pension branch – it is evident that the
statutory instructions / stipulations under SRs are not attended by the
operative staff handling the service books over the span of 25 to 35, 40 years
and the express instructions of Rule 59 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 are not
properly compiled by the Heads of Offices, obviously to square up the blame on
the pension branch. Apparently, this aspect was conveniently ignored in the
staff side brief.
Despite various
checks at HO and DO level, the irregularities pointed out in the letter are
noticed in pension section at final stage and causing delay in settling the
pension cases.
Further, DA (P) has informed that each
of the points raised by the staff side discussed in brief and remedial measures
were suggested which were enclosed.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 14-07/2015:Data entry
feeding in Sanchaya Post in respect of NREGS accounts in all HOs.
There is no data entry feeding in Sanchaya Post in respect of NREGS
accounts in all most all HPOs. Data entry feeding should be done immediately.
Decision:Postal Directorate has
permitted A.P. Circle to consider migrating to CBS without digitizing the data
of MGNREGS account, as Aadhaar based payment system is not available in Sanchay
Post / CBS. Further Directorate intimated that RB Division / RSI / RH
implementation committee may also take a view and these data may be migrated
when such functionality / handheld devices become available and DoP is finally
in a position to handle this work as is being presently handled by A.P. Circle
through APOnline. ITEM

उप मंडल प्रबंधक (डा.जी.बी.)
Deputy Divisional Manager (PLI)
आं.प्र.सर्किल, हैदराबाद – 500 001
O/o CPMG, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad – 500
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