An Organisation highlighting the principle of unity and struggle for the advancement of postal workers in Andhra Pradesh
Saturday, August 29, 2009
All Circle Office Bearers/
All Divisional/Branch Secretaries,
As you are aware that the orders for payment of 2nd installment of 6th CPC Arrears have been issued by the Finance Ministry, and the same was circulated by the Postal Directorate on 25/08/2009.In this connection we have to remember the decision taken by the Federal Executive held from 16-17 July 2009 for collection of special donations. A strong finance means a strong federation. A financially weaker organisation cannot be organisationally strong. Hence according to the decision of Federation and to strengthen our Union Financially I appeal all Divisional/Branch Secretaries to send Rs.100/- to circle union according to the actual available membership.Who have not remitted to circle union at the time of payment of 40% arrears may please send immediately and who send may reconcile at once with actual membership and difference amount may please send immediately.
Circle Working committe meeting is going to be held from 6th to 7th September 2009 at Neelakanthapuram, Hindupur Division.All CWC members may please note.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Postal Department endorsed Finance Ministry order of 2nd Instalment of 6CPC Arrears

I am here with produced Postal Department endorsed order of Payment of 2nd Instalment of 6 CPC Arrears.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Payment of Second Instalment of Arrears of Pension on account of 6th CPC
Department of Pensions&Pensioner's Welfare issued orders to payment of second instalment of arrears of pension on account of implementation of Geovernment's decision on the recommendations of the 6th CPC.In its order No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 25/08/09 it is clearly rquested all the disbursing authorities that the payment of arrears of pension to the pensioners latest by 30/09/2009.For order copy please click the below link and download.
All Circle Office Bearers and
All Divisional/Branch Secretaries
Please get the circular by clicking the below link.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Payment of 60% Arrears of 6th CPC orders issued
Finance ministry issued orders in respect of payment of 60% arrears of 6th CPC.For full text of orders please click the below link and down load.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Historic Judgement of Hon'ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana in r/o Payment of Gratuity to GDS officials
Land mark Judgement Given by Hon'ble High Court of Punjab and Chandigarh in respect of Payment of Gratuity under section 7(4) of the payment of Gratuity Act 1972 and Rule 11(4) in CWP No.5290/2009 between The Sr.Supdt. of Post Offices, Hoshiarpur Division,Hoshiarpur V/S Sri Avtar Singh and others.For full text of the order copy please click the below link and down load.
The same Judgement was given by the same Judge in CWP No.5291 of 2009 between Sr.Supdt.Of Post Offices,Jalandhar Division,Jalandhar and Sri Santokh singh and others.For copy of order Please click the below link and down load.
In these two land mark Judgements it is clearly directed the department that the GDS officials Sri Avtarsingh and Sri Santokh sing were eligible for payement of Gratuity though they submitted resignation after completion of 20 and odd years as GDS officials and their claim was delayed by two years with reasons beyond thier control.First the officials approached to The Asst.Labour Commissioner(Central) to direct the controlling authority to pay the Gratuity amount. Sri R.K.AGRAWAL,Controlling Authority under PG Act, 1972 &Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)Chandigarh in his order Date 1.2.08 directed the controlling authority to pay the Gratuity amount to the officials along with 10% simple interest.While final order given by Sri R.K. Agrawal made the following genuine comments towards the GDS employees"The court have observed that the gratuity is social welfare legislation Workers cannot be deprived of the same merely on account of late filing of application. Discretion exercised accordingly is just and proper. No. Interference required-Textmo Limited Vs. Ramdhan 1992 (65) FLR 742 (Del)" .The Supreme Court has simply held that EDA employees are Civil servant and entitled for protection under article under 311(2) of the Constitution of India.Under the circumstances, it is amply clear that the applicant was holding a post not Governed under CCS (Pension) Rules. The services condition of the workman was governed under the provision of E.D. Agents. The EDA (Extra Departmental Agents) no known as Gramin Dak Sevaks but the provisions of EDA (Conduct and Services) Rules are less favorable than the provisions of PG Act,1072. Under the circumstances, I am of the opinion that the applicant will fall within the ambit of Section 2(e) of PG Act, 1972.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Review of Failed SC/ST candidates of departmental LGO examfor promotion to PAs/SAs held on 27/12/2008
Circle office issued orders in r/o Review of failed SC/ST candidates of departmental LGOs examination for promotion to the cadre of PAs/SAs held on 27/12/2008 through its order No. RE/2-2/2008/SC-ST/Review dated 18/08/2009.Please find a copy below.
Extension of the scope of Family Pension to the dependent disabled siblings
Department of Pensions&Pensioners' Welfare in its order No.1/15/2008-P&PW(E) dated 17/08/2009 it has now been decided to include the dependent disabled siblings(i.e. brothers and sisters) of Government servants/Pensioners in the definition of 'Family' for the purpose of eligibility for family pension.Such disabled siblings shall be eligible for family pension for life in the same manner and following the same disability criteria,as laid down in Rule 54 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 in the case of son/daughter of Government employees/Pensioners suffering from any disorder or diability of mind(including mentally retarded) of physically crippled or disabled, so as to render him/her unable to earn a living even after the age of 25 years.For full text of the order copy please click the below link and down load.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Department of Telecommunications has kept the process of one-time absorption of AAOs in DOT in abeyance in order to pursue the process of merger of Accounts of DOP-DOT. Please click the below link to down load the order copy
Implementation of NPS-Pre condition for release of 2nd instalment of arrears of 6 CPC
Finance Ministry in its memo No.1(2)/EV/2008 dated 17/08/2009 stated that it is mandatory to submit application form for registration to New Pension before 31/08/2009.It is requested to the members to submit their registration forms immediately to DDOs.All DDOs have to forward the application received from the applicants to National Securities Depository Limited before 31/08/2009.It may be noted that release of 2nd Instalment, for post 01/01/2004 entrants, will be subject to the above action being completed.For full text of the order and application for registration Please click the below link and down load.
Rule-38 Transfers Approved by the Circle office for Hyderabad City Region
Circle office Approved Rule-38 Transfers vide its memo No.ST/R-38/General/2009 dated 18/08/2009 for Hyderabad City Region.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
All Circle office Bearers,
All Branch/Divisional Secretaries
Dear Comrades! –
The United Forum of BSNL EMPLOYEES consisting of 7 unions including the BSNL Employees Union, the major and recognised union of BSNL has served a strike notice for organising 48 Hours strike on 19th and 20th August 2009.
The Strike Notice has been served to protest against the adamant,, discriminative and lethargic attitude of the management in handling the wage negotiations. The United Forum of BSNL Employees has charged the BSNL Management that the wage negotiations have been put in cold storage by not appointing the replacement to the post of Chairman Wage Negotiating Committee for long time after the retirement of the earlier Chairman despite repeated requests from the unions.
The Agitating Unions have charged the attitude of the Management which had earlier allotted 70% wage rise for the officers themselves while treating the wage negotiations for the employees with discriminatory approach.
Our Circle union call upon our rank and file to extend our support and solidarity to the call given by the United Forum of BSNL Employees consisting of BSNL Employees Union; Telecom Employees Progressive Union; Bsnl Mazdoor Sangh (BPEF); All India Backward Classes Telecom Employees Sangathan; SC//ST Employees Welfare Association of BSNL; Bahujan Trade Union of BSNL; Sanchar Nigam Association of Telecom Technical Assistants by organising lunch hour demonstrations all over India in front of our work spots. This union appeals to all Branch/Divisional Secretaries to invite leaders belonging to the unions in the United Forum of BSNL Employees to our above solidarity demonstrations and send Savingrams in support of the strike to the Honourable Minister of Communications & IT as follows:
Name --------------------------------
Branch ---------------------------------
Shri. A.Raja
Honourable Minister of Communications & IT
Government of India
Electronic Niketan
CGO Complex
<宜˘>Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy Independence Day
On the eve of 63rd Indepedence Day i wish all the members to "Happy Independence Day"
Friday, August 14, 2009
These are the Main Disadvantages in CGEPHIS
Dear Comrades,
I have gone through the New CGEPHIS and pointed the following disadvantages when compared with CGHS.However Circle union will send a detailed memorandum on this subject shortly and the same will be placed here.
1. The scheme is limited to some amount where as CGHS coverage is an un limited one
2. The scheme is restricted to some of the family members only. Dependent brothers and sisters will not cover by this scheme.
3. The Insurance provider may or may not provide the OPD fecility like CGHS dispensaries.
4. This scheme is too expensive when compared to CGHS.
I request to all the members to send their feed back on the subject to intimate our stand to the Government.
Introduction of Central Govt.Emloyees&Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS)
On recommendations of the 6th CPC Now the Govt.of India, Ministry of Health decided to implement Central Government Employees&Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS) and now the ministry inviting Expression of Interest from Insurers and Health Insurance Consultants for the proposed scheme.
Brief Facts of the Scheme
The Scheme shall provide coverage of Health Insurance to the family of the beneficiary up to Rs.5, 00,000/- .The total reimbursement of Rs.5 lac can be availed by one individual or all members of the family. There is a sub limit of Rs.50, 000/- per admission.
An additional sum of Rs. 15 crore shall be provided as Buffer / corporate floater to take care of hospitalization expenses of a family (per illness or annual) exceed the original sum insured of Rs 5.00 lac. In all such cases an additional amount up to Rs. 5.00 lac per family shall be provided from the Scheme Floater, on the recommendation of the committee set up by the Central government/ Nodal agency.
Family size/Age limit for
1. Serving Employees: Self, spouse, two dependent children and dependent parents (New born shall be considered insured from day one).
2. Retired Employees: Self, spouse and one dependent child.
3. Additional dependent family member can be covered under the scheme by paying the fixed percentage of premium per additional dependent family member. The premium shall be borne by the beneficiary.
4. All beneficiaries shall be insured till survival.
The definition of dependent shall be as per guidelines issued by Central Government
Insurance Coverage
1. Pre-existing diseases
2. Maternity benefit
3. Day-one Coverage for all diseases
4. New-born babies
5. Pre and Post hospitalization cover of 30 days and 60 days respectively
Domiciliary Hospitalization
The services provided under the scheme are cashless basis through smart card. Views are sought on the industry’s ability to organize free OPD consultation in designated hospitals/nursing homes on panel, free of any charge, in certain designated locations. The OPD coverage is of Rs.10, 000/- per family per annum. Coverage of expenses towards treatment of AIDS may also be sought by the Government which generally happens to be an exclusion in a standard medical insurance policy. There will be a general health check up for all beneficiaries at least once a year. For full notificatio of Health Ministry please click the below link
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Proof of Date of Birth in r/o Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare in its order No.38/37/08-P&PA(A) dated 11/08/2009 it is clarified that "Considering the difficulty in producing any of the documents mentioned in its memo dated 21/05/09 i.e.Pan Card,S.S.C.Certificate,Passport,CGHS Card,OR Driving Licence by the old pensioners, particularly those in the rural areas, it has been decided that the Voter ID Card may also be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additional pension/family pension on completion of 80 years and above subject to the following conditions.
1.The pensioner/family pensioner certifies that he is not a metriculate(The matriculation certificate should be insisted in the case of matriculate pensioners/family pensioners)
2.The pensioner certifies that he does not have any of the documents mentioned in the OM dated 21/05/2009".For full text of the order copy please click the below link
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
News from Confederation
Dear Comrades,
The news received from Confederation is reproduced here under for the information of the members.
Anomaly and Standing Committee meetings.
There had been no formal or informal meeting with the Government either to discuss the anomalies or issues emanating from the implementation of the 6th CPC so far.
We had placed the items the staff side had sent for the consideration of the National anomaly committee (first installment) on our website. The second and final set of items is likely to be submitted in a day or two. As and when the same is finalized we shall place copy thereof on our website. We have received innumerable number of letters from our affiliates requesting us to take up the department specific anomaly items in the National Council. It is difficult to individually respond to these letters. Department specific items are to be pursued at the Departmental Anomaly Committees. Complaints have been received by us that many Ministries have so far not set up anomaly committees. We shall take up this issue with the Department of Personnel.
All India Convention of workers:
14th September, 2009.
The Sponsoring Committee of Central Trade Unions along with INTUC and BMS has decided to convene a National Convention on14th September 2009. The main theme of the convention is to harness the support of the entire working class in the country against the neo liberal economic policies and the anti labour attitude of the Government. The extract from the communication we have received in this regard is given hereunder.
The meeting of the Central Trade Unions held on 19th July 2009 at the INTUC H.qrs. at New Delhi expressed serious concern over;
*Rising prices of essential commodities including food grains and vegetable creating severe hardship for the mass of the people
*Continuing job losses resulting in loss of livelihood to millions of workers across the sectors owing to recession and economic slowdown
*Non implementation of and rampant violation of basic labour laws pertaining to minimum wages, working hours, social security safety in workplace and trade union rights etc. throughout the country adding to the sufferings of the entire toiling people
*Extreme inadequacy of the provisions and schemes under the un-organized workers sector workers including the contract workers owing to the restrictive provisions under the schemes and absence of any national fund for the un-organized sector (NAFUS) as recommended by the NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing committee on labour
*move of the Government for disinvestment of shares in profit making central public sector enterprises
The Central Trade Unions call upon the workers and employees and their unions irrespective of affiliation to unitedly highlight the concern over the above-mentioned burning issues facing them and at the same time urge upon the Government to take urgent remedial corrective measures to address the aforesaid concerns of working people effectively.
The Central Trade Union decides to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister on the aforesaid issues and hold a National convention of Trade Unions at Delhi in September, 2009 to chalk out common future programme.
Applications Called from willing officials for one-time absorption in to DOT as AAOs
Directorate issued orders through their Memo No.311(11)/2009/PA AdmnIII/103.143 dated 07/08/2009 applications called for one time absorption in to DOT as AAOs. The last date for recipt of application is 21/08/09.Hence willing officials may send their applications as required in thier above memo.For Copy of memo Please visit our Federation/CHQ website.
Monday, August 10, 2009
All india Civil Services Volley Ball Tournament-2009-10
All India Civil Services Volley Ball Tournament 2009-10 is going to be held from 06/10/2009 to 08/10/2009 at Gandhinagar,Gujrat (Sachivalaya Gymkhana,Sector-21,Gandhinagar-382021).The entries may be sent in the prescribed proforma direct to the Contact Officer/Organizer on or before 01/10/2009.For order copy Please click the below link.
Inter-Ministry Chess Tournament 2009-10 is going to be held from 15 th to 25 th September 2009 at Nirman Bhavan,T.T.Hall,New Delhi.For order Copy Please click the below link.
Amendment to Rule 33-B of GPF (CS) Rules,1960
Goverment of India issued a Gazette Notification on 27/05/2009 in respect of amendment to Rule 33-B of GPF (CS) Rules, 1960, the same was circulated by Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare vide its Memo No.45/4/2008-P&PW(F) dtd 07/08/2009.For full text of the circular and gazette notification please click the below link and down load.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Postal Department issued notification to the Post of Analysts(Debt&Equity)and Directors(MIS&Accounts and Treasury) for managing of RPLI and PLI Fund
As a result of Economic reforms Now Postal Deparment is going to invest the RPLI and PLI Deposits in Mutual Funds from 1st October 2009.The fund should be invested as per IRDA regulations.The funds will be transferred to the two Fund Managers already appointed, SBI Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund for investement under non discretionary mode. The policy frame work and the structure of the investments will be decided by an Investment Board and will be executed by a Chief Investment Officer (CIO) to be stationed at Mumbai.The CIO will be heading the Investment Division.The CIO will be assisted by Analyst(Debt).Analyst(Equity),Director(MIS),and Director(Accounts and Treasury).Department of Posts, Government of India invites applications for the following positions,based in Mumbai on contract or deputation basis for a minimum period of one year.For full text of the notification please click the below link and down load.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Postal Department upgraded all HSG-II and HSG-I posts as Group-B
Yesterday Circle office received orders regarding upgradation of all HSG-II and HSG-I posts to Group-B.I request all the members to comment on the issue by clicking the comments portion below this posting.I request CHQ and Federation to examine the situation and immediate response of the union stand.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Inter Ministry Sports Calendar of CCS Central Sports Board for the Year 2009-10 released
Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board released its sports calendar for the year 2009-10 and forwarded a list of convenors also in its Memo No.44/1/2009-CCSCSB dtd 27/07/2009.
For order copy please click the below link and down load.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Postal Department issued orders in r/o ADR 2006&2007
Department of Post in its order No.37-15/2008-SPB-I dtd 28/07/2009 instructed all Circle Heads to initiate recruitment process immediately to fill up ADR 2006&2007 as allocated by them.As far as AP circle is concerned the following vacancies allocated by the directorate.
ADR 2006
ADR 2007
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If you download and install adobe reader then only you can able to view/print all these orders placed in our site.Thank you comrades.
DOPT issued a wonderfull order regarding Govt. servants covered by New Pension Scheme