Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Minutes of 110th R.J.C.M. Meeting held on 18.08.2014 at 10:00AM.

भारतीय डाक विभाग                          
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, आं.प्र.सर्किल, हैदराबाद 500 001.
No. U / 11 – 110 / RJCM  / 2014      dated     at      Hyderabad – 1      the            15 .09.2014
Sri D.A.S.V. Prasad,
Secretary, Staff Side,
Secunderabad H.O.,
Secunderabad - 500003.

                  Sub: - Minutes of 110th RJCM meeting held on 18.08.2014 in the Conference hall of
                             Dak Sadan, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad - Reg. 
               A copy of the minutes of 110th RJCM meeting held on 18.08.2014 at 10:00 AM in the Conference Hall of Dak Sadan, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad is enclosed for information.
DA: As above.                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                Yours faithfully,                                                                                                       
                                                                            सहायक पोस्टमास्टर जनरल (वि.से. & व्य.वि.)                
                                                                            Assistant Postmaster General (FS & BD)
                                                                              मु.पो.मा..कार्यालय, आं.प्र.सर्किल, हैदराबाद – 500 001
                                                                                     O/o CPMG, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad – 500 001

Copy to:
1-6). All the Staff Side RJCM members.
1.      SK Humayun, Ex-Circle Secretary, AIPEU PM & MTS, Head Postman (Retired), Nellore HO.
2.      RJ Madhusudana Rao, Circle Secretary, AIRMS & MMS EU Gr-C & Stg Asst., Hyd Stg Divn., Hyderabad - 1.
3.      Y Bhoomeshwar, Ex-Circle President, AIRMS & MMS EU MGs & MTS Gr-C, AP Circle, H.No.11-100, Babujagjeevanrao Nagar, Malakajgiri, Hydereabad.
4.      K Ramachandram, Circle Secretary, AIPAOEU Gr-C & D, AP Circle, PACO, O/o CPMG, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad - 1.
5.      D Kishanrao, General Secretary, NAPE Gr-C, Working at Khairatabad HO, Hyderabad City Division, Hyderabad.
6.      Gulam Rabbani, Circle Secretary, NUPE PM & Gr-D & MTS, Hyd GPO, Hyderabad-1.

7-10). The Postmaster-General, Hyderabad / Vijayawada / Visakhapatnam / Kurnool     
             Region for kind information and necessary action.   
11). The DA (P), O/o DA (P), Hyderabad - 500001 for kind information and necessary
12). The PMG (Mails & BD), Hyderabad – 500 001 for kind information and necessary 
13). The Assistant Postmaster General (FS & BD), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested
         to take necessary action on Staff Side Old item No. s  13-01/2014,  16-01/2014 and   
         Staff Side New Item No. 5-08/2014.
14). The Assistant Postmaster General (Vigilance) (Staff Section), Circle Office, Hyderabad.      
         He is requested to take necessary action on the Official Side New Item No.s 1-08/2014,   
         2-08/2014, 3-08/2014 and Staff Side old item No. s 4-08/2013, 10-01/2014,
         6-04/2014, 10-04/2014 and Staff Side New Item No. 1-08/2014.
15). The Deputy Divisional Manager (PLI), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested to take
        necessary action on Staff Side old item No. s 11-08/2013, 5-04/2014.
16). The Assistant Director (Rectt & Wlf), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested to take
         necessary action on the Staff Side Old Item No. 1-05/2013 and Staff Side New Item No.
17). The Assistant Director (Estt & Inv), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested to take
         necessary action on Staff Side Old item No. s 3-08/2013, 1-01/2014, 8-01/2014,
        1-04/2014 and Staff Side New Item No. s 2-08/2014, 3-08/2014, 6-08/2014,
        10-08/2014, 11-08/2014  
18). The Assistant Director (Technical), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested to take
         necessary action on Staff Side Old Item No. 9-01/2014 and Staff Side New Item No. 
19). The Assistant Director (Mails & MM), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested to take
         necessary action on the Staff Side old item No. s 2-05/2013, 11-01/2014, 22-01/2014,
         2-04/2014, 3-04/2014, 4-04/2014, 7-04/2014, 12-04/2014 and Staff Side New Item
         No. 13-08/2014.  
20). The Assistant Director (Bldgs), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested to take
         necessary action on Official Side Old Item No. 2-01/2014 and Staff Side Old Item           
         No. s 1-05/2013, 10-08/2013, 4-01/2014, 5-01/2014, 6-01/2014, 11-01/2014,
         12-01/2014, 7-04/2014, 11-04/2014 and Staff Side New Item No. s 4-08/2014,
         7-08/2014,  8-08/2014, 9-08/2014, 16-08/2014.
21). The Assistant Director (Marketing), Circle Office, Hyderabad. He is requested
         to take necessary action on Staff Side New item No. 15-08/2014. 
                            I am directed by the competent authority to request you to issue necessary instructions to the Regions / Units concerned on the items by endorsing copies to the Staff Side members of RJCM. It is also requested to endorse copy to the union cell on the action taken as progress report is to be submitted to Chief PMG. 
                                                                           कृते मु.पो.मा..,आं.प्र.सर्किल, हैदराबाद-500 001       
                                                                                         for CPMG, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad– 500 001 
Minutes of 110th R.J.C.M. Meeting held on 18.08.2014 at 10:00AM.
                        The 110th R.J.C.M. meeting was held on 18.08.2014 at 10:00 AM in the Conference Hall of Dak Sadan, A. P. Circle, Hyderabad. Chief PMG chaired the meeting.               
The following have attended the meeting.                        
Official Side:
Sri B V Sudhakar, Chief Postmaster General, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad, Chairperson, RJCM.
Sri Col M Eleesha, Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Member, RJCM
Sri M Sampath, Postmaster General, Vijayawada Region, Member, RJCM.
Smt. M Sharda Sampath, Postmaster General, Visakhapatnam Region, Member, RJCM.
Sri A Ranganath Shyam, Director of Accounts (Postal), Member, RJCM.
Smt. Radhika Chakravarthy, Director of Postal Services (Hqrs), Secretary, OfficialSide, RJCM 
Staff Side:
Sri DASV Prasad, Secretary, Staff Side, RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C.
Sri SK Humayun, Member, RJCM & Ex-Circle Secretary, AIPEU PM & Gr-D.
Sri R J Madhusudana Rao, Member, RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIRMS & MMS EU Gr-C.
Sri Y Bhoomeshwar, Member, RJCM&Ex-CirclePresident, AIRMS&MMS EU MGs & MTS Gr-C.
Sri K Ramachandram, Member, RJCM & Circle Secretary, AIPAOEU Gr-C & D.
Sri D Kishan Rao, Member, RJCM & General Secretary, NAPE Gr-C.
Sri Gulam Rabbani, Member, RJCM & Circle Secretary, NUPE PM & Gr-D.  
                     Sri S. V. Rao, Assistant Postmaster General (FS & BD) also sat in the meeting to assist the Chief PMG.                                          ITEMS DISCUSSED
Official Side – OLD Items 
Official Side - Old Items:

Item No. 2-01/2014:Accommodation of O/o DA (P), Hyderabad. 
           Construction of DA (P) Office identified under 12th Five-Year plan projects. A letter to Directorate for approval of revised SOA submitted vide Building Section letter No. Bldg / Admn.I / DA (P) bldg 12th FYP/14-15 dated 13.06.2014. 
Official Side – NEW Items 
Official Side – New Items:
Item No. 1-08/2014:
Restriction  on Rule 38 transfers in respect of Visakhapatnam Postal Division :
         SSPOs, Visakhapatnam Dn. reported that out of 248 Postal Assts only 34 officials are below 40 yrs of age, Every year the DR vacancies are being filled with Rule 38 transfers from other Dns/Regions/Circle.  The pending Rule 38 transfers to Visakhapatnam Region are 13.  Out of these some are again above 40 years of age.  Thus Visakhapatnam division is not having a fair proportion of younger generation staff who are well versed with computers and physically mobile and agile staff who can easily adopt to the rigors of the new environment and projects.   Hence  a proposal  was sent to CO on  4.7.2013 vide  RO, VM letter ST/38/110  and requested to review the position to approve the decision to stop incoming Rule 38 transfers for a period of 5 yrs in view of inability of older staff to cope up with the new skill sets.
CO vide letter s/Misc/R-38/2011 dt 19.7.2013 has examined  and the suggestion is not agreed to as  (1) There are no Directorate orders to stop Rule 38 transfers  all together.  (2)The Divisions in Hyderabad City Region, every year Rule 38 transfers are being approved to fill almost all the DR Vacancies and many candidates joining in Hyd. City Region are in young age group. (3) In accepting incoming Rule 38 transfers to Units in Hyd City Region, minimum two years  service condition is being observed and the request are  balanced between spouse category and long pending request  etc.,
Due to change of new environment and projects of IT like CBS etc., it is felt that the issue may be reexamination in the ensuing RJCM meeting to be held on 6.8.2014. 
Decision:       The issue was discussed and decided that a committee can be formed to look into this aspect headed by PMG, Visakhapatnam and members as PMG, Vijayawada Region; PMG, Hyderabad Region; Sri D A S V Prasad, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C; Sri V Sivaji, Circle Secretary, NAPE Gr-C; Sri M Nageswara Rao, Regional Representative, AIPEU GR-C: Anakapalli Division.
      Staff Section of Circle Office will initiate action on this immediately.    
Item No. 2-08/2014: 
              As per the CO instructions vide letter ST/Postman/Misc/2012 dated 23.8.212, a minimum service of  10 years is  stipulated as eligibility for posting to the grade of Mail overseer/Sorting Postman/Head Postman and cash Overseer.  It is also mentioned by the Directorate in letter No. 44/17/76/SPB I dated 7.2.1977 that there is no relaxation of minimum service for any category.
             The Postmen who are having 10 years and above service are unwilling to work as Mail overseer.  If the condition of minimum service is not waived, the posts of Mail overseer will have to be kept vacant.  Due to non filling up of the posts of Mail overseers    difficulties are being faced   in respect of 
(1)   Cash conveyance to the SOs
(2)   Verification of High value withdrawals is pending which is resulting in frauds in BOs.
(3)   BO visits could not be operated.
(4)   Cent percent verification of identified offices are pending.
(5)   Cent percent verification of all BOs is pending.
(6)   Verification of money orders and other works.
(7)   Sub Divisional Heads do not have sufficient assistance in mobilizing Savings Bank/Rural Insurance business for want of Mail overseers. 
Decision:           The following procedure be adopted.
1.       Volunteers to be called for from the staff having 3 years experience.
2.       Willing seniors be allowed to work. However, Directorate should be kept informed.
Item No. 3-08/2014: 
This is regarding filling up of Supervisory posts other than selection grade in HOs/A/B/C Class SOs.
As per Rule.223 of Volume-IV, ordinarily sub office in Class-I should be incharge of officials who have passed the efficiency bar. Those in Class-II should be incharge of officials who have not less than six years service. In special cases, however, this rule may be departed from in view of the local circumstances and monetary responsibilities of an office. In such cases it should be ensured that generally senior fit officials alone are placed in charge of sub offices. A satisfactory record of service shall be an essential condition for appointment of Sub Postmaster.
Consequent after introduction of MACP, no specific guidelines / service conditions for posting of officials in B & C Class offices are received.
At present, the posts of B & C Class offices are filled as per the option given by the officials. If no official volunteers for the post, junior most officials with good record of service are being posted by the Divisional Heads. If no official volunteers for C class office, they are being managed on deputation basis & in respect of B class offices; the PA is looking after the duties of SPM.
In view of the above, it is suggested that a decision may be taken for filling up supervisory posts other than selection grade with MACP-III / MACP-II officials, for smooth functioning of the B & C class offices.
If such a decision is taken, a condition in the RT Notification is to be included to the effect that MACP-III / MACP-II officials will be posted in supervisory posts other than selection grade in HOs/A/B/C Class offices. MACP-III/MACP-II official has to give choice of place accordingly from the notified posts.

Decision:                  The issue was discussed and decided that a committee can be formed to look into this aspect headed by PMG, Visakhapatnam and members as PMG, Vijayawada Region; PMG, Hyderabad Region; Sri D A S V Prasad, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C; NAPE Gr-C; Sri V Sivaji, Circle Secretary, NAPE Gr-C; Sri M Nageswara Rao, Regional Representative, AIPEU Gr-C Anakapalli Division. 
          Staff Section of Circle Office will take action on this immediately.
          The committee will examine the issue and the findings of the committee will be sent to Directorate.
STAFF Side – OLD Items
Staff Side - Old Items: 
Item No. 2-08/2012:            Irregular Audit objection raised by the P&T Audit for recovery of Incentive paid for NREGS work at Wanaparthy Division.
            P&T Audit has made an objection while auditing at Wanaparthy Division for recovery of excess payment of NREGS Incentive from the two officials.  
As per PMG (BD), AP Circle orders there is no ceiling for grant incentive for doing NREGS Work. PMG is requested for issue of orders to SPOs Wanaparthy not to recover the incentive from the official.

Decision:           This is under examination of DA (P). The Secretary, Staff Side, RJCM promised to give a copy of BD branch letter regarding incentive payment to examine the issue further. 
Item No. 1-05/2013: 
Re-opening of Canteen at Dak Sadan, O/o CPMG, Hyderabad.
It has been bought to the notice of that the canteen facility is withdrawn by closing of the then canteen. It is also enquired through our source that the AD (Welfare), Circle Office has ordered to close the canteen by renaming it as a Lunch Room, which will function from 1:00PM to 2:00 PM only. In this connection, this union fells that the curtailment of Welfare activity provided by the Department from 22.08.1988 (After opening of the New Circle Office premises) is not justifiable. 
Decision:            Canteen of DA (P) office, Hyderabad relocated to Dak Sadan Building and functioning with effect from 04.06.2014.
        Further AE (Electrical) to check and provide electrical fittings. The equipment for cleaning spoon and Idly maker may be provided. DA (P) to follow up the requirements. ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 2-05/2013: Non supply of uniforms to Post Men, MTS and Group – ’D’ Staff in the Andhra Pradesh Circle. 
Decision:    The SP, PSD, Hyderabad reported that since no funds were allotted for the financial year 2013-14, procurement of uniform could not been taken up. Circle Office addressed Directorate for allotment of funds and it will be pursued.ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 3-08/2013:            Irregular redeployment of two Postal assistants posts from Secunderabad HO to Trimulgherry HO without proper review of establishments.
            SSPOs, Secunderabad Division had redeployed two PA posts from Secunderabad HO to Trimulgherry HO without proper review of establishment and also without approval of competent authority i.e., Circle IFA.
Decision:          It is to inform that the surplus 2 PA posts from Secunderabad HO were identified and redeployed to Trimulgherry HO vide CO letter No. EST/9-10/(a)/II dated 03.07.2014 were communicated to the SSPOs, Secunderabad Division.
           However, instructions were issued to all the Regions / Units in HCR that no such redeployments be made without proper establishment review and CIFA concurrence.ITEM CLOSED  
Item No. 4-08/2013:             Immediate filling up of Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot, Hyderabad.           Hyderabad PSD is a PSD which supply of all stationery to two Regions Hyderabad City Region and supply of uniforms and also supply of chappals, umbrellas. Presently it is manned by additional charge. Expedite immediate action for filling up post of SP, PSD. 
Decision:      The post of Superintendent, PSD is filled upon adhoc basis.   Sri P Shiva Shankaraiah joined the post on 19.06.2014 as SP, PSD.ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 10-08/2013:            Kind attention to be given to the pitiable plight of the residence of the Chikkadapally and Uppal Postal Staff Quarters, Hyderabad. The residence of these colonies anxiously awaiting for years together to mitigate their predicament which is not fully cared for by the local civil wing, urgent action needed. During the year 2011-12 A.P. Circle has surrendered lakhs of rupees to the Directorate. 
            Proper maintenance of staff quarters at Chikkadapally, and Uppal Hyderabad. It has brought to the notice of this union that the staff quarters are not being properly maintained either civil/electrical problems. The quarters are not having proper way to the quarters like E-1 to E-8 and C-17 to C-24. The quarters are in a dilapidated condition due to non-maintenance of internal painting and white washing. The quarters have not been maintained for the years. The bushes cleaning is also not taking place, due to this the inmates of the residence are facing a lot of problems. The backside of the E-Block and D- Block quarters of Chikkadapally is not having a proper approach road and not even having proper lighting facilities. The M-Block quarters are also not being properly maintained and the big trees have been grown beside the M-41 Block. There is also a bore water problem during the summer season. A separate pipeline has to be given to the E-Block. 
Decision:           All maintenance and repairs estimates / works are included in priority list of works. Estimates are available in Circle Office. Required funds are available under maintenance head. All maintenance work will be taken in this financial year.
           The Chairman assured that maintenance to postal staff quarters will be taken up. Regarding provision of water through tankers to Uppal Postal Staff Quarters, the supply will be made thrice a week.
Item No. 11-08/2013: 
            Stop Decentralization of PLI/RPLI work. Ensure uniform implementation of Directorates Orders regarding retention of PLI/RPLI work of Divisions situated at CO/RO Head Quarters at CO/RO itself. The recent orders on Indian Postal Policy 2012, the work relating to PLI Section of CO are Decentralizing without modification of Indian Post Office Insurance Rules 2010. As per the above rules, the Rs. 5 Lakhs and above policies records and claims to be settled at CO. The present arrangement in the circle may continued till the modification in Post Office Insurance Rules 2010 and honour the minutes of the meeting taken by the Secretary Posts, Postal Services Board with the Postal Joint Council of Action on 10.01.2012 and Directorate letter No. 8/15/2011-SR dated 16.01.2012. 
Decision:        As the issue is not confined to A.P. Circle alone and to be decided by PLI Directorate, Staff Side members of RJCM are requested to take up the issue with PLI Directorate.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 1-01/2014:Up gradation of Podili Norm Based LSG SO to HO by down grading Kanigiri. HO:  
              Kanigiri town is situated at 90 km from divisional head quarter i.e. from Ongole. And 30 km away from state highway connecting Ongole and Kurnool. It is popularly known as fluoride affected area. It will take 3 hours to travel from Ongole to Kanigiri and it will be a problem to get bus facility back to Ongole or other popular villages after 07.00 PM. For medical / educational facility staff has to depend upon Ongole.   Due to this staff are un willing to work at Kanigiri.HO. Because of this   work at Kanigiri HO is lagging beyond repair. Posting of a regular Postmaster, Accountant even a sub divisional head become a problem. Even posting adequate PA cadre officials is also a problem. Areas like accounts, SB (NREGS), SBCO are most affected.  This can be avoided by at least relocating the HO to nearby place like Podili which is comfortably placed at 50 km from Ongole and is on state high way. Staff can stay there keeping themselves at an hour distance from Ongole where they can depend for better medical & educational facilities. This will reduce the staff transfer problems and requisite staff can be posted for bringing the HO administration into main stream. 
                Connectivity is also most convenient in case of Podili compared to Kanigiri. Table of comparative distances is given below along with attached map. Podili is centrally located for 10 Sos out of 18 Sos under Kanigiri. 
Name of the SO
Distance to Podili in km
Distance to Kanigiri in km
Pedda Arikatla
9 to 13
HM Padu
PC Palli
PG Palli
70 (nearer to Kandukur HO at 60 km)
60 (nearer to Kandukur HO at 50 km)
CS Puram
70 ((same  to Kandukur HO at 70 km)
                               Pamuru, Botlaguduru may be attached to Kandukur HO and Vallur (35 km from Kandukur ) may be attached to Ongole (5 km) and Chimakurthy & Tallur from Ongole HO may be transferred to Podili HO at lesser distance. 
Decision:         It is to intimate that as per the decision taken in the meeting a committee was formed under the Chairmanship of DPS (VJA) along with SSPOs Vijayawada / Prakasam Divisions; Asst. Director (Mails)/(Staff), RO VJA; Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C / NAPE Gr-C; Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C / NAPE Gr-C and the meeting was held on 12.06.2014. 
       The committee unanimously agreed for up gradation of Podili LSG SO to Head Post Office by downgrading the Kanigiri HO to LSG SO. 
       However RO, Vijayawada asked to submit the proposal by 24.09.2014 for upgrading the Podili norm based LSG SO to HO by downgrading the Kanigiri HO. 
        On receipt of the proposal from RO, Vijayawada, the same will be submitted to CIFA for concurrence. 
Item No. 4-01/2014: 
            Security Arrangements in Postal Staff Quarters in Hyderabad City. The Postal Quarters located in the Hyderabad and Secunderabad, there is no security arrangements for the government property and resident’s property in the Government Maintained Staff Quarters. The complaints received from the residents of Postal Staff Quarters Chikkadpally and Uppal regarding thefts of small and big items. The Postal Staff Quarters are provided with 2 or 3 gates to enter to the quarters. As the outsiders entering into the staff quarters and they are unauthorized roaming in the colonies and wherever feasibility, they are not afraid to theft any items left in the premises while they went to their native places. All other cities where the 100 and above quarters is provided with security. It is requested to provide security guards to safeguard the government property as well as residents. They will identify the residents and restrict the outsiders to enter into the premises of government quarters. 
Decision:         The proposal for security arrangements to the postal staff quarters in Chikkadpally is under examination at Circle Office.
Item No. 5-01/2014:            Provision of lift at RO Vishakhapatnam. The RO Vishakhapatnam is constructed with G+3 floors. As per the layout of sections is from 1st floor to 3rd floor is identified for functioning of Regional Office. The staffs who are aged are facing much difficulty to climb the steps and some of the staffs are having knee pains. It is very need of lift provision in the newly constructed Regional Office Vishakhapatnam. Previously, this item was examined by the competent authority, but there is no progress in the provision of lift. As per the plan of the building, there is a need of capsule lift from outside the building. There is no provision was given inside the building to construct the lift. It is requested to examine once again and provide lift to the RO Vishakhapatnam.
Decision:          Preliminary estimates for Rs. 18,52,500/- received from SE (E), Bangalore. The matter is under persuasion with municipal authorities for obtaining NOC for provision of lift at RO, Visakhapatnam. Plan funds under Head of account 5201-Capital out lay are awaited form Directorate. 
Item No. 6-01/2014:            Up gradation of generator of 62.5 KVA Capacity of Dak Sadan building to higher capacity diesel generator. The present generator is not supporting the power supply to the entire building and lifts of the building are also not coping up to the generator power supply. It is also requested to provide high capacity UPS connectivity to each floor. At the time of construction of this building, the generator was installed. At that time, there was no UPS system connectivity and the Air conditioners were also not connected. The present work of style has changed from manually to computerize. It is very much need of power supply whenever the electricity breakdown is occurred. During the summer, the power cuts are affecting the work of Circle Office including RO Hyderabad and DA (P). The staff is also suffering due to non-connectivity of generator to the lifts. It is requested to provide high capacity diesel generator to the Dak Sadan Building. 
Decision:         Supdt. Engineer (E) was addressed for up gradation of 62.5 KVA to 200 KVA or above. Reminder is also issued on the same.         The Chairman desired DPS (Hqrs) to pursue the matter.        
Item No. 8-01/2014:             revision of FSC & AFSC, since the present rates are insufficient. Rates of fsc & afsc have to be enhanced.
Decision:            The reports received from Units on remarks of CIFA were consolidated and sent to CIFA for opinion concurrence and reply will be sent to Directorate after approval of CPMG.  
Item No. 9-01/2014:            provision of cash vans to every HO: 
            Presently most of divisions are marked for payment of social security pensions / wages beside NREGS wages through BOs /SOs. For this adequate cash flow is needed. Security aspect not to be forgotten. Heavy cash is to be conveyed from HOs / cash offices to SOs/BOs. For the purpose a speedy and secured means of transportation is required.
Decision:           It is under process. A committee is constituted and the report is expected by 30.09.2014. 
Item No. 10-01/2014: 
non implementation of DOP&T OM No 35034/3/2008-Estt (D) Vol. II dated 4th October 2012. Orders on MACP in true spirit in rms v’ dn. and rms tp’ dn.
The following officials denied the macp financial up gradation on the plea for want of required Bench Mark.
)  R.Appanna bcr sa retd    
2)  K.Krishana Murthy bcr sa retd
3)  S.Janardhana Rao bcr sa retd   
4)  P.K. Rama Rao
5)  K.Suryanarayana Rao                    
6)  T.Chiranjeevi Rao
7)  P.Ch.Venkataswamy                      
8)  M.A.Murali
9)  M.Venkat Rao
10) P.Eeswaramallu rms tp’ dn 
Decision:                The DOP&T OM No 35034/3/2008-Estt (D) Vol. II dated 04.10.2012 envisages that where the financial upgradation under MACPs also happens to be in the promotional grade and benchmark is lower than the benchmark for granting benefit under MACPs as stipulated in OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt (D) (Vol-II) dated 1.1.2010, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also i.e., if the benchmark for promotion happens to the selection method i.e., Good, then the benchmark for MACPs also will be good. It is further intimated that when the benchmark for promotion happens to be non-selection method, then the benchmark for MACPs also will be non-selection method. 
         Accordingly, since all the promotions in PA cadre are of selection method (i.e. LSG-Rs.2800, HSG-II Rs 4200 and HSG-I Rs. 4600) the benchmark for all the three financial gradations under MACPs should be good.             Staff Section of Circle Office is requested to re-examine the case that bench mark principle is not applicable to non-functional posts.
Item No. 11-01/2014:            provision of wax heaters and stationary to all mail offices in Andhra Pradesh circle and Diesel Operated Generators to Srikakulam Road and Eluru rms. 
Decision: Gensets:       Gensets supplied to the concerned as per the requirements of the Regions / Units in HCR. 
Wax heaters:       Tenders floated. Supply will be effected.                                                                       ITEM CLOSED    
Item No. 12-01/2014:
            Provision of UV water purifier for drinking purpose to rjcm office at b 1 p&t quarters Chikkadpally Hyderabad 
Decision:    Water purifiers cum cooler supplied and installed at RJCM Office.   ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 13-01/2014: 
       Provision of Passenger Reservation System in the following post offices
      1)      Trimulgherry     ho  2)      banjara Hills3)      Srikalahasti  HO4)      Chintapallli5)      Paderu                      
6)      Narsipatnam7)      Amalapuram     HO8)      Ramachandrapuram9)      Rajam10)  Sompeta
11)  I E Eluru12)  Chittoor  HO13)  madanapalli   HO14)  Musheerabad NDSO (SD Divn)

Decision:               Amalapuram HO and Rajam HO have been approved by both DoP and Railways and instructions have been issued to RO, Visakhapatnam to issue instructions to the concerned Hos to co-ordinate with the local Railway staff for opening of the PRS counter. 
       Trimulgherry HO, Srikalahatti HO, Paderu, Narsipatnam, Ramachandrapuram, Sompet, Chittor, Madanapalli HO, Chintapalli PO and Hyderabad GPO have been approved by Directorate for opening PRS counter, but approval / sanction is awaited from Railways. 
       IE Eluru PO has been approved by Directorate but Railway Board has rejected to open PRS counter at IE Eluru PO as there are two PRS locations at Powerpet and Eluru Station, functioning at a distance of 4 Kms and 6 Kms to IE Eluru PO with average transactions of 90 and 100 per day. 
        SSPOs, Hyderabad City Division has been requested to recheck possibility for opening of PRS counter at Banjarahills PO and they are ready to manage the PRS counter with in the space available now. 
        SSPOs, Secunderabad intimated that Musheerabad NDSO is ‘B’ class office and is very nearby to Musheerabad DSO at which PRS is available. 
        For providing PRS facility at Hyderabad GPO have been approved by DoP but Railway Board approval is awaited.  
        SSPOs, Hyderabad City Division intimated that Putlibowli PO is functioning in area of 847 Stf. As against SOA of 1391 Sft. Further SBI ‘B’ Class SO is also functioning in the same area. Hence, there is no possibility to open PRS counter at Pultibowli.  
       General Manager – BD & M Directorate has requested for approval of providing PRS facility at Vizianagaram HPO.ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 16-01/2014:

            Taking into workload instead of incentive in respect of payment of SSP and NREGS.  Before fixing the incentive the unions were kept in darkness as no consultation was there and the fixation of incentive is found to be defective. Orders are already in existence for fixation of time factor at the rate of one point for 10 SSP payments. The decision may taken to fix the time factors for the BPM’s instead of incentive. 
Decision:           The issue regarding incentive in respect of payment of SSP, suitable instructions will be issued to all Regions / Units in HCR concerned.
          Incentive in respect of payment of NREGS issue relates to Directorate as Directorate is fixing incentive or inclusion of work load into account for TRCA calculation. Circles have no powers to take any decision on such matter. It is suggested to take up the matter at Directorate level. 
Item No. 22-01/2014 Identification of Guntakal RMS as L1 and extension of AG-31 section up to Vijayawada.            Consequent on introduction of L1 in the revised orders by the Directorate we request identification of Guntakal RMS as L1 and extension of AG31 section up to Vijayawada. 
Decision: Guntakal:
       The matter was taken up with Directorate vide Circle Office letters No. Mails/MNOP 1st class/II dated 30.09.2013, 06.11.2013, 10.03.2014, 06.05.2014. The issue is pending with Directorate. A copy will be given to members of RJCM. 
Extension of AG-31 Section:
        The issue of extension of AG-31 section up to Vijayawada, the issue is under examination along with another proposal of merger of AG-26 with Z-31 Section. Special meeting was held with Union representatives on 30.06.2014 and their views are called for. Issue will be decided on receipt of the views of all the Unions. A final decision will be taken after examining the views of the Unions. 
Item No. 1-04/2014: 
Grant of OTA for full working hours for Group-D / MTS Chowkidars drafted for duty on Sundays and holidays.           As per the DG posts letter No. 10-7/87-PE-II dated 04.10.1991 when Group-D  / MTS Chowkidars drafted for duty on Sundays and holidays for 12 hours (from 06:00 PM to 06:00 AM) OTA could be granted for full 12 hours when compensatory off could not be granted. 
Decision:            Instructions communicated to the Regions / City Units in HCR for taking necessary action as per the Directorate guidelines.ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 2-04/2014:           Recently orders were issued by Directorate redistributing work between L-1, L-2 offices and changing the pattern of closing bags between offices. Earlier while concentrating work at L-1 offices some posts were diverted from L-2 offices. But now after latest orders stated above work load was increased in L-2 offices and there is some decrease in L-1 offices. After the orders posts are to be readjusted between these offices after assessing the work load properly.
           In this connection it is suggested that fresh special statistics may be collected in each office and according to that statistics posts may be redistributed between mail offices which will solve the problem of staff shortage some extent and increase efficiency. It is requested that this process may be completed by 30.04.2014.
Decision:            Regional PMGs to take action as per Directorate guidelines and redeploy accordingly. 
Item No. 3-04/2014:
Provision of extra accommodation for mail carrying section for Z-27, Z-12, Z-26 and Z-31. 
            Accommodation provided for mail carrying sections was not sufficient. At present the entire space is occupied by the mails and no room is available even for the staff to prepare mail lists in the sections mentioned above.
Decision:       DPS (Mails & BD) met Sri K Siva Prasad, CPTM, South Central Railways on 03.07.2014 and discussed regarding provision of extra accommodation in the sections Z-27, Z-26 and Z-31. 
          Railway authorities have not agreed for provision of additional accommodation in the sections Z-27 and Z-31. Regarding extra accommodation in Z-26, Railway authorities of Maharashtra Circle have been requested to provide the allotted accommodation of 40 seats in Z-26 by attaching another SLR coach. 
           On other hand, Railway authorities agreed for provision of additional accommodation in the train No. 17603 (Kachiguda – Yeswanthapur) in which RMS section is not available instead of Z-31. But there is no TMO at Yeswanthapur Railway Station for functioning of Z-31 section in the said train. There is also no transit section in the train No. 17603. The matter has been taken up with Karnataka Circle. 
   Staff side stated that  there is no delivery advantage of Mail for Kurnool Dt and Anantapur  Dt   as the train reaches Kurnool Rly. Stn. At 0200 hours and Anantapur Rly. Stn. At 0500 hours,  if the Section shifted to Yeshvantpur Exp.
Item No. 4-04/2014:The staff on deputation from HRO Vijayawada to SRO Eluru are continuing for years together should be brought to their parent unit immediately.
          At the time of identifying intra circle speed post hub at Elure RMS, some of the officials were sent on deputation from Vijayawada to Eluru. Even after lapse of 2 years they were not brought back to their parent unit i.e. HRO Vijayawada. Hence it is requested to bring the officials back to their parent unit by cancelling the deputation.
Decision:     Re-allotment of 4 Sorting Assistant Posts to RMS ‘V’ Division, Visakhapatnam, which were redeployed to Vijayawada Region and 3 SAs working in Eluru RMS to Vijayawada Region. Orders were issued to Vijayawada / Visakhapatnam Region in this regard vide Circle Office letter No. Mails / Estt / Misc / 2014 dated 13.05.2014.ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 5-04/2014:Non-payment of incentive to the PLI Development Officers:
         The Development officers who are working in the Circle from 2008-2013 up to Nov-2013, the incentive for their over and above 9 Crores business are not paid. As per the Directorate letter No. 25-4/2002-LI dated 25.02.2011 as per para 2 are not implementing in the Circle for more than four years. As per the instructions contained in the D.G Letter No. 35-15/78-LI (PO) dated 7.1.2008 on payment of 90% of incentive on the sum assured procured by the PLI Development officers are also not implementing in the Circle. As per the instructions contained in the computer generated calculation sheet the column of effective business may be removed and the DO PLI procured business with advanced premium business may be taken into account and after free business of DOPLI’s incentive may be paid without further delay. 
           Directorate’s orders on sum assured rate of incentive 25 per ten thousand of sum assured above 9 crores upto 11 crores may be paid for the year 2008 to 2013. This union also requested to cause to issue necessary instructions to all concerned to calculate sum assured business of each the DO PLI of A.P. Circle and implement the D.G orders in letter No. 25-4/2002-LI dated 25.05.2011 and DG instructions in letter No. 35-15/78-LI (PO) dated 07.01.2008.
Decision:          As the issue is not confined to A.P. Circle alone and to be decided by PLI Directorate, Staff Side members of RJCM are requested to take up the issue with PLI Directorate.ITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 6-04/2014:          In the recent past most of the officials on getting promotion to the norm based LSG / HSG-II / HSG-I, declining their promotion due to various reasons. Due to declining of promotion the posts were kept vacant till the consideration of next DPC. As such the above posts are kept vacant for years together. For example Postmaster, Vikarabad and (4) PRI (P) posts in Secunderabad Division. Hence staff side requests the Chairman to make suitable arrangements to fill up the vacant posts of norm based LSG / HSG-II / HSG-I for effective supervision and to render quality of service to the public.
Decision:        As per ruling, for vacancies exceeding 10, the normal size of zone of consideration will be one and a half times the number of vacancies rounded off to next higher plus three but shall not be less than the size of zone of consideration for ten vacancies. The extended zone of consideration for SC / ST officers is five times the total number of vacancies.
       For vacancies less than 10, the zone of consideration is twice the vacancies plus 4. So, the panel cannot be maintained in the ration 1:4. It is also to inform that the number of eligible officials for HSG-II and HSG-I for the last and present year are less than the vacancies existing in the particular year and the panel is being exhausted in short span.However instructions will be reiterated to follow DoP & T guidelines scrupulously.    
Item No. 7-04/2014:            Provision of centralized A/C to MPCM counters and SB branch at Secunderabad HO. At present SB branch is provided with 4 A/Cs, which were not catering its services due to improper maintenance and insufficient capacity. Hence it is requested to provide centralized A/C to MPCM counters and SB branch located in the ground floor. 

Decision:         The SSPOs, Secunderabad Division has forwarded 3 competitive quotations for procurement of 2 No.s Acs to MPMC counters and SB counters of Secunderabad HO.
         EE (Electrical) may examine regarding provision of centralized AC and come up with suggestions. The Chairman, RJCM suggested for removing partitions provided separately for financial mart. 
Item No. 10-04/2014:.         Non implementation of Circle Office letter No. ST/20-7/PA-SA IND. Trg / 2012-13 dated 11.09.2012 in Hyderabad City Division for the newly recruited PAs under sports quotas for 15 days practical training for the following PAs.Sri S Varaprasad, Khairatabad HO,Sri P Sagar, Himayatnagar PO. 
Decision:     Instructions since issued.ITEM CLOSED
tem No. 11-04/2014:.        Provision of AMC to all Generators throughout Andhra Pradesh Circle. 

Decision:         Tender Draft Finalization for AMC for Circle would be finalized shortly. Information on the same is awaited from MMS, Manager, Hyderabad.
Item No. 12-04/2014:.Shortage of all stationary items / forms and computer stationary at PSD, Hyderabad. 
Decision:             The SP, PSD, Hyderabad reported that regarding stationary items, they are being supplied as and when indented for by the mail offices except for computer shift paper where stock is not available and floating of tender is in process. 
       Except for shift paper and MPMC stickers, there is no shortage for forms and stationary at PSD, Hyderabad. Tender for MPMC stickers is being floated by SP, PSD Guntakal and expected to be finalized by 1st week of September. Form 2nd week of September shortage of stickers will also be eliminated. In respect of Shift papers the floating of tender is under process. 
     SP, PSD, Hyderabad be instructed to complete this immediately. SP, PSD to ensure that the LPC is as per Directorate specifications. 
      The problem is not only related to PSD Hyderabad but also entire Circle is facing  shortage  of stationery  eg.  Mail list BO daily accounts BO Slips., Shift papers, MPCM stickers, sealing wax,  etc., 
Item No. 1-08/2014:            Counting of LR period while computing the tenure of the official for Rotation. Directorate had issued instructions vide letter No. 70/168/87-SPB-I dated 07/08/1987 for not counting the LR period while computing the tenure of the official for rotation. But most of the Divisional Heads are counting the LR period of the officials while computing the tenure of the officials which is in contravention of Directorate guidelines. Hence it is requested to cause to issue necessary instructions in this regard.
Decision:                Instructions have been reiterated to Regions / City Units in HCR vide Circle Office letter No. ST / Unions / Misc / 2012 dated 29.05.2014 to follow the guidelines contained in Directorate letter No. 70/168/87/SPB-I dated 7.8.1987. 
       However, a consolidated list of all rules may be sent to Divisions / RegionsITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 2-08/2014:Irregular merging of treasurer posts with other branches by the Divisional Heads. 
           TCB is a sanctioned post which is approved by the IFA. The posts are filled by selection and the same are allowanced posts. But the Divisional Heads are merging the treasurer posts with some other branches, Hence it is requested to cause to issue necessary instructions in this regard.
Decision:                The SSPOs, Hyderabad South East Division and SSRM, Hyderabad has not issued any orders regarding merging of the treasurer posts with other branches. The SSPOs, Secunderabad and City Division stated that the treasurer / Asst. Treasurer posts have been assigned with other work to justify full duty hours, as per the ruling on the subject.  
 Regarding Regions, report is awaited. For GPO, MDW may be reworked and later Establishment review may be done. 
Item No. 3-08/2014: Up gradation of Kukatpally SO as HO by downgrading the Vikarabad HO as SO. 
1.      The SSPOs, Secunderabad Division has opined that the present accommodation of Kukatpally SO is very cramped and insufficient for HO. There is no sufficient space for providing treasury, if upgraded to HO.
2.      If Kukatpally SO is upgraded to HO and the present SOs under Vikarabad HO along with Vikarabad SO are placed under Kukatpally HO, the remittance of cash from HO to SOs, and vice versa will be a risky task. If cash is conveyed through the Account Bag in RTC service, the transit period for mail and account bag would be two days at least.
3.      The mail conveyance from HOs to SOs and vice versa is also inconvenient, since there is no direct bus to Vikarabad and SOs from Kukatpally.
4.      Kukatpally is being a prominent and commercially developed area, procurement of suitable accommodation for a HO will have a major financial implication. 
5.      In view of the above it was proposed to upgrade Begumpet SO instead of Kukatpally SO.
           Establishment branch of Circle Office may examine this proposal immediately.
Item No. 4-08/2014:            Digging of bore wells in all departmental post offices.
         Example: Vijayanagar Colony, Banjarahills, Golconda, Khairatabad. 
           At present these offices are purchasing water on daily basis through tankers. HMWS & SB is also not supplying up to the requirement of the offices. 
Decision:            After approval of the competent authority for the offices listed in the item, required estimates will be obtained from Civil Wing.  
Item No. 5-08/2014:          Arrest leakage of revenue in bulk posting. As per Directorate orders BMS is accepting Rs. 3/- for up to 50 gms and NBMS is accepting Rs. 5/- up to 50 gms. But bulk mailers are posting mail related to other states at NBMS by affixing Rs. 3/-, which causes loss of Rs.2// per each article. It is requested to arrest the leakage of revenue. 
Decision:     All Regions and City Units in HCR were addressed whether any bulk mailers are posting mail destined to other states at NBMS by fixing Rs. 3/- under their administrative control. The feedback received from ROs and Units in HCR has been examined and found that there is no leakage of revenue under NBMS.                                  
       Instructions have been given to all ROs / Units to cause to take action to arrest the leakage of revenue to the Department vide Circle Office letter No. BD / 3-46 / NBS / 13-14 dated 03.07.2014.             
       PMG (BD) and DPS (Mails & BD) may lok into the aspect of leakage of revenue and suggest ways and means. A compendium of rules to be prepared and circulated to all concerned.
Item No. 6-08/2014:       Up gradation of MAANU post office to norm based LSG office. 
Decision:                  The SSPOs stated that at present the Post Office is functioning in the accommodation provided by the Urdu University on rent free basis, with limited accommodation in which 1 SPM, 3 PAs, 1 MTS and GDS Pkr and 8 delivery staff are working with the available space of 570 Sft. Until, unless we procure additional accommodation, it is not possible to upgrade this A Class office into LSG Office.  
         SSPOs may ask for extra accommodation from MAANU authorities. If University authorities do not provide extra accommodation, SSPOs, Hyderabad City Division may examine to get required accommodation outside the University premises following prescribed procedure.
Item No. 7-08/2014:         Construction of treasury cages in the departmental buildings.                            Decision: There is provision of treasury cage in every new building constructed and also available in all Departmental buildings.          Introduction of burglars alarm may also be thought of taking the help of latest technical innovation.          Staff Side, RJCM to give a list of offices where treasury case is not available. 
Item No. 8-08/2014:Poor maintenance of rest houses for the staff working in sections. 
          The rest houses provided for the staff working in sections are unhygienic. Hence it is requested to see that the rest houses should be maintained in hygienic condition. 
Decision:                    Regarding repairs and maintenance, estimates will be obtained from Civil Wing.
         Regional PMsG are requested to maintain the rest housesITEM CLOSED 
Item No. 9-08/2014:           Maintenance of Generators of HOs and LSG Sos by outsiders. 
            At present Generators of HO and LSG SO are being operated by the staff only. In other organizations like banking they are calling tenders for maintenance of generators from the local agencies. It is very convenient to the Postmasters concerned if the maintenance is attached to private operators. 
Decision:        Tender floated for AMC are under finalization with MMS, Hyderabad. 
Item No. 10-08/2014:           Creation of 2nd supervisory post at Waltair RS HO. 
            At present there is one supervisor only for counters and SOs SB work at Waltair RS HO and facing much difficulties in discharging duties. As there is a heavy work and in view of CBS, it is requested to create another supervisory post immediately.
Decision:                The RO, Visakhapatnam intimated that the comprehensive review of Andhra University SO was called for to examine the proposal for diverting the post of PRI (P) Andhra University SO as APM (SB) SOs Waltair RS SO.

Item No. 11-08/2014:             Creation of one more HSG-I supervisory post at Nellore HO. 
              Consequent on down gradation of Repalle HO there was surplus HSG-I post in Vijayawada Region. In Nellore HO there is a justification for HSG-I post (Treasury & Mails). Hence the same may be attached to Nellore HO for smooth functioning of the office. 
Orders for redeployment of the post of HSG-I, erstwhile Repalle HO (downgraded as MDG) in Tenali Division to Nellore HO as DPM have been issued by the RO, Vijayawada vide letter No. EST-52/2-1//(O & S)/II dated 08.08.2014. 
         Separate instructions to identify ASP / IP line HSG-I posts and convert the posts to General line as per Directorate guidelines will be issued. 
Item No. 12-08/2014:           Delay in processing the relaxation cases of Departmental employees. 
           It is observed that, Divisional heads are not processing the relaxation cases speedily and not submitting to the CO in time which results delay in appointment. Hence suitable instruction may please be issued to all concerned to process the same within the stipulated period. 
Decision:           Instructions have been issued to Regions / City Units in HCR to speed up the relaxation cases (GDS / Departmental) processing and to submit the report to Circle Office without delay  vide letter No.RE/CA/RJCM/2014 dated 28.07.2014 
Item No. 13-08/2014:           Provision of CC Cameras in all Postal Stores Depot.           In view of security it is requested to provide CC Cameras to all Postal Stores Depots in our Circle which is very helpful. At present all types of condemned articles are being kept at PSD, Hyderabad and it become difficult to safe guard by the watchmen. 
Decision:            Required number of Cameras will be supplied. 
Item No. 14-08/2014:
           Grant of incentive to MTS staff who attending the Parcel packing work at GPO and Secunderabad HO.           In Hyderabad GPO and Secunderabad HO, new scheme was introduced for encouraging parcel business. By presenting the article by the customers the MTS staff were packing and stitching the same before booking the article. For this job some service charge is being collecting from the customers. Hence we are requested to grant incentive to the MTS staff who are attending for that job in addition to his normal duties. 
       The issue will be examined based on the procedure followed by neighbouring Circles i.e. Karnataka Circle and Tamilnadu Circle
Item No. 15-08/2014:Grant of additional FSC for Business Post Offices. 
             Consequent on introduction of new premium products there was large increase in parcel bags. Hence we request the competent authority may please be issue instructions to the concerned PMGs for grant of additional FSC to close large number of bags closing by the selected post offices. 
Decision:             Reports called from Regions / City Units in HCR.        
Item No. 16-08/2014:           Shifting of SRO Ananthapur office from staff quarters to any other place. 
           The SRO situated in Ramachandranagar was shifted to Ananthapur postal staff quarters of A-17 & A-18. It is not comfort and inconvenience to the families residing at staff quarters. In security angle also it is not suggestible. Hence we request to shift the SRO office from quarters to any other place immediately. 
Decision:                      The O/o SRO, RMS ‘AG’ Division, Anathapur was shifted to Ananthapur Postal Staff Quarters i.e., A-17 & A-18 in the situation that the SRO, Ananthapur building was locked by the landlord. The arrangement was ordered only on temporary basis until getting alternate accommodation by SRM, ‘AG’ Division to locate the SRO, Ananthapur. On getting alternate accommodation to the SRM, ‘AG’ Division, the SRO, Ananthapur Office will be shifted from the Postal Staff Quarters.ITEM CLOSED                                                                            

                                                सहायक पोस्टमास्टर जनरल (वि.से. & व्य.वि.)                
                                            Assistant Postmaster General (FS & BD)
                                              मु.पो.मा.ज.कार्यालय, आं.प्र.सर्किल, हैदराबाद – 500 001
                                           O/o CPMG, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad – 500 001

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