Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Notice of 35 bi-ennial Circle Conference

APU-III/BCC-35/2014                                                                             30-9-2014
Notice under Article 32 read with Article30(i)(ii)&(iii) ibid is hereby notified that the 35th Bi-ennial Circle Conference of AIPEU Gr ’C’, AP Circle will be held from 16th November  2014 to 18th Nov 2014. The Conference will be held at CBR ACADEMY OF SPORTS & EDUCATION Ketanakonda Village Krishna District 521456
The Bi-ennial Conference will be presided over by Com. K. Narayana Rao President Circle union.
1)    Confirmation of proceedings of the last Bi-ennial Circle Conference held at  Vijayanagaram
2)   Consideration and adoption of bi-ennial report.
3)   Consideration and adoption of Audited Accounts for the years 2012-2013&2013-2014
4)   Review of the general strikes 12th Dec 2012, 20th Feb 2013-21st Feb2013,            12th Feb 2014 13th Feb 2014.
5)   Organisational review.
a)    Member Ship position.
b)    Remittance of quotas to higher bodies.
c)    Local agitations. d) Victimisations
6)    Mahila Sub Committees.
7)   Postal unity.
8)   7th Central Pay Commission related matters.
9)   Study camps. 
10) Policy and programme.
11)  Election of office bearers.
12) Election of Supreme councillors.
13) Appoint of Auditor.
14) Venue for  the next biennial circle conference.
15)  Any other item with the permission of the chair.
                                                                                          Yours faithfully                                                  
                                                                                           DASV PRASAD
                                                                                          Circle Secretary
   Copy to:
1)    Com K.Narayana Rao Circle President AIPEU Gr’ C’ at Vijayanagaram.
2)   The General Secretary, AIPEU Gr ’C’ Chq at New Delhi-8,
3)   Secretary General NFPE, New Delhi-1,
4)   The Chief Post Master General, AP Circle Hyderabad -1 for information and requested him to advice all Regional PMsG to grant spl casual leave to all Delegates and Circle Working Committee Members enable them to attend CWC and Circle conference.
5)   General Secretary ,Reception Committee 35th AIPEU Gr’ C’ circle conference, at Vijayawada. He is requested to inform the details of venue and accommodation to all Br/Div Secretaries and to all Circle Working Committee Members.
6)   Spare.
                                                                                     Yours faithfully,

                                                                                   Circle Secretary 
  APU-III/35 BCC-CWC/2014                                                          30-9-2014.

Notice under Article 32 of the constitution of AIPEUGr’C’ is hereby given that the Circle Working Committee meeting of our Circle Union will be held on 15th November 2014 CBR ACADEMY OF SPORTS & EDUCATION ,KETANAKONDA Village ,Krishna District 521456 .The circle working committee will be presided by Com.K. Narayan Rao President of the circle union. All CWC members are requested to attend the meeting well in time.
               The following agenda will be discussed.                                                           
    1)Confirmation of proceedings of the last Bi-ennial Circle Conference held at   
    2) Consideration and adoption of bi-ennial report.
    3)Consideration and adoption of Audited Accounts for the years 2012-2013&2013-  
   4)Review of the general strikes 12th Dec 2012, 20th Feb 2013-21st Feb2013,                
    12th Feb 2014 13th Feb 2014.
   5) Organisational review.
   a)Member Ship position.b) Remittance of quotas to higher bodies.
   c)Local agitations. d) Victimisations
   6) Mahila Sub Committees.
   7)Postal unity.
   8)7th Central Pay Commission related matters.
   9)Study camps.
   10)Policy and programme.
   11)Election of office bearers.
   12)Election of Supreme councillors.
   13)Appoint of Auditor.
   14)Venue for  the next biennial circle conference.
           Any other item with the permission of the chair.
                                                                                                                                        yours faithfully                             
                                                                                                                              DASV PRASAD                                                                                                                                Circle Secretary

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Copy to:
1)Com K.Narayana Rao Circle President AIPEU Gr ’C’ at Vijayanagaram.
2)The General Secretary, AIPEU Gr ’C’ Chq at New Delhi-8,
3)Secretary General NFPE, New Delhi-1,
4)The Chief Post Master General, AP Circle Hyderabad -1 for information and requested her to advice all Regional PMsG to grant spl casual leave to all  Circle Working Committee Members  enable them to attend CWC and Circle conference.
5)General Secretary ,Reception Committee 34th AIPEUGr’C’ circle conference, at Vijayawada. He is requested to inform the details of venue and accommodation to all 6)Circle Working Committee Members.
                                                                                     Yours faithfully,

                                                                        Circle Secretary

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