Welcome to AIPEU, Group-C,AP Circle,Ongole

Friday, August 8, 2014

Official Agenda for discussion in the ensuing RJCM

Official Side Item - New Item No. 3-08/2014
Item for RJCM on staff matters, Administrative side item.
This is regarding filling up of Supervisory posts other than selection grade in HOs/A/B/C Class SOs.
As per Rule.223 of Volume-IV, ordinarily sub office in Class-I should be incharge of officials who have passed the efficiency bar. Those in Class-II should be incharge of officials who have not less than six years service. In special cases, however, this rule may be departed from in view of the local circumstances and monetary responsibilities of an office. In such cases it should be ensured that generally senior fit officials alone are placed in charge of sub offices. A satisfactory record of service shall be an essential condition for appointment of Sub Postmaster.
Consequent after introduction of MACP, no specific guidelines / service conditions for posting of officials in B & C Class offices are received.
At present, the posts of B & C Class offices are filled as per the option given by the officials. If no official volunteers for the post, junior most officials with good record of service are being posted by the Divisional Heads. If no official volunteers for C class office, they are being managed on deputation basis & in respect of B class offices; the PA is looking after the duties of SPM.
In view of the above, it is suggested that a decision may be taken for filling up supervisory posts other than selection grade with MACP-III / MACP-II officials, for smooth functioning of the B & C class offices.
If such a decision is taken, a condition in the RT Notification is to be included to the effect that MACP-III / MACP-II officials will be posted in supervisory posts other than selection grade in HOs/A/B/C Class offices. MACP-III/MACP-II official has to give choice of place accordingly from the notified posts.

 Dear Comrades 
please send your opinion on the above subject to Circle Union
                                                                                                      DASV PRASAD
                                                                                             Staff Side Secretary RJCM  

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