APU-III/HCR/APARs/2016 Date:
Chief Postmaster General
Sub: - Writing of APARs of the officials without
following the statutory guidelines on the subject by the divisional heads in A.P.Circle-Causing
much delay in conducting DPCsReg
Ref: - 1. DOP&T OM No.21011/1/2005-Estt(A)
(Pt.II) dated 23.07.2009
No.21011/27/2015-Estt.(A-II dated 11.02.2016
bring the following irregularities committing by the divisional heads in A.P.Circle,
while writing of APARs of the officials working in their divisions. The main
motive and motto of the APARs are to assess the performance of the official and
to intimate the areas to be improved by the official to improve his/her
performance to improve the quality of the service to the public. But the said
authorities are taking it in a casual way and writing them like their own
diary. I bring the following irregularities committed by the divisional heads
in A.P.Circle, which causes demotivation of officials resulting down fall of
quality of service to the public..
substantiating the gradings given between 0-3 and not filling the pen picture
coloumn in their APARs.
following the prescribed time schedule as stipulated in DOP&T OM cited (1)
above in writing of APARs of the officials
the integrity coloumn in accordance with DOPT OM cited (2) above.
mentioning the date on officials copy of APARs.
Most of the
divisional heads are grading the officials between 0-3, without substantiating
the reasons for assessing such low performance in their pen picture coloumn of
their APARs. For example in Secunderabad Division the divisional head had given
0 grading to four officials in the division and many officials had got the grading
between 0-3. But to my dismay the divisional head had not written the pen
picture coloumn of their APARs. It is the duty of the divisional heads to
explain why they are getting grading below average so that they can improve
their performance in future. Due to non writing of pen picture, the very
purpose of writing the APARs is to improve the performance of the official to
provide quality service to the customers/public is defeated.
For example let
me explain the actual situation in Secunderabad Division. All officials working
in divisional office, Secunderabad division were got 6 to 9 grading for the
last three years. Interestingly, it is not understood that how their
performance has been getting down between 5-6 grading in the last year. It is very clear that either the said officer
is inefficient to extract the best performance from these officials or these
officials are not so efficient as her predecessors assessed in their APARs. The
existing rules on the subject were very clear that the officer has to write the
APARs of the officials after coming to a clear conclusion and on their own
It is pertinent
to mention that if the official’s performance working in the entire division is
graded between 5-6, what is the performance of the divisional head? Naturally
it has to be graded between 5-6.
I bring to your
kind notice that the officers also not writing the APARs of the officials
within the prescribed time limit. Though there are clear guidelines on
following the prescribed time schedule in accordance with the DOPT OM cited (1)
above, the officers are not following these orders scrupulously. Due to this
practice DPCs are not convening in regular intervals. Further the officers are
not putting the date on officials copy of APARs given to the official. Some of
the divisional heads are not filling the integrity coloumn in accordance with
the guidelines issued by DOPT vide OM cited (2) above.
keeping in view of the above, i earnestly request you to cause to issue
suitable orders/action on writing of APARs in accordance with the DOPT OMs
cited above, within the prescribed time limit so that the officials
perfoarmance can be correctly assessed and the DPCs can be conducted well in
time without waiting for them.
An early action
in this matter is highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully
(DASV Prasad)
Circle Secretary
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